Democrats want gays in California textbooks

April 1, 2011

Democrats in Sacramento intend to introduce legislation requiring California public schools to teach about the contributions of gay, lesbian, and transgender Americans. [LA Times]

A similar bill was passed five years ago, only to be vetoed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. However, activists are more hopeful for passage with Jerry Brown in office, though the current governor has yet to take a public position on the issue.

This new attempt has divided religious leaders, educators and lawmakers and prompted accusations from opponents that those behind the effort seek to impose their values on the state and on students and parents who find same-sex relationships objectionable.

If implemented, the measure, which would revise social science textbooks, could have effects beyond California. The state is a major purchaser of educational texts, and publishers often produce books tailored to California that other states use as well.

The proposal would require that social science texts and other instruction include “a study of the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans … to the economic, political and social development of California and the United States of America, with particular emphasis on portraying the role of these groups in contemporary society.”

Each school district would decide which age groups received such instruction.

Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) who introduced the bill, SB 48, said it addresses a glaring oversight in educating young people that has led to harassment of gays by their classmates.

In an emotional plea for the bill at a recent legislative hearing, Leno invoked the name of Seth Walsh, a 13-year-old student from Tehachapi who committed suicide last year after facing anti-gay bullying at school.

Although some teachers have testified against the change, it is supported by the California Teachers Association and the Los Angeles Unified School District.




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Bestiality and child molestation are not the topic: some name calling and lurid questions have been removed ???? email

when i hear about a person who invents something or accomplishes great things for society, their sexuality isn’t something that i wonder about. what does one’s sexuality or skin color for that matter ,have to do with being a good writer , inventor , president, etc.?

I agree, but reviewing the Alan Turing ref from zaphod brings up the point that is crucial to Black Studies, Women’s Studies and the like. Without a bit of special recognition the contributions of visionaries, heroes and other special people from these groups many in our society would just ignorantly thing they are of little consequence. But in fact major aspects of our history and development were made possible by members of minorities and, at times, even majorities (women). And their struggle for recognition and civil rights is our history, like it or not. The Klu Klux Klan is part of our history and should be studied, yet I don’t like them one bit.

i just don’t like labeling, people should be recognized for their abilities , achievements. to label writers ,inventors , artist , by color or sexual orientation, seems like more of a dividing than a bringing together of people. again the person who invented the wheel’s color or sexual orientation doesn’t matter to me

Just because it doesn’t matter to you doesn’t mean it shouldn’t matter to others.

I don’t agree that comparing Black studies, Women’s studies with those in the article is correct. Being black, male, female, Irish, Asian, etc. has NOTHING to do with sex. Being gay, lesbian certainly does. Can’t our children be children awhile longer these days without the topic of sexual preference being introduced into their studies?

has NOTHING to do with sex

thats right

The broader point of history is made by the Navy hurray for the USA!

Good article zap. Two thumbs up.

that is correct, just my opinion, not claiming to speak for others.

The bottom line in all of this, the point that most people are tip toeing around, is that homosexuality is sick perversion that does not deserve a place in the history books of any state in this country. This is just another example of the liberals in California trying to brain wash our children. This is nothing but a recruitment tool being used by the homosexual community to try to lure the young of America into their disdainful lifestyle.

This is the typical liberal point of view that has been demonstrated only too often on this site and throughout the media. “If I don’t agree with your point of view than it should be censored”-my way or the highway. Also the word homophobic, that you and the homosexual community like to bandy about, denotes a fear of homosexuals. I doubt that anyone has a fear of homosexuals but rather a revulsion and a deep disdain of them trying justify their lifestyle and force it on the rest of us as the above article points out.

I didn’t say you should be censored. I expected to be taken off because I called you a moron,,,because you are. This is a small private news page, if they don’t like the way I talk then it’s their right to take me off. This site is not liberal, have you read thier opinion pieces. Go through and find me a liberal article..or don’t bother, I’m not reading anymore of your posts anyway.

Homophobes are usually that way because they are insecure with their own sexuality….does that ring a bell with you. I mean why would you care what they do in the bedroom, I don’t. I know you people (homophobes) would never admit to being homophobes, but you do fit the model. I’m done with you, you’re not worth my time.

“why would you care what they do in the bedroom”

That’s the whole point, we don’t care and don’t want to hear about their sexual preferences. I surpose the bisexuals (who are included) are “special” because they will do anybody and they just can’t decide what they like best. This is utterly rediculous. What’s with the transvestities? Why is it anybody’s business if they had surgery to correct a gender identity? What does any of this have to do with a man or womans contributions to this country or planet?

Can you imagine telling a class that Mr Wilson who is known to us for having contributed xyz to our nation is also a “BI-SEXUAL”. What is a bi-sexual ask’s little suzie and what makes that special? Good Question little Suzie.

“Can you imagine telling a class that Mr Wilson who is known to us for having contributed xyz to our nation is also a “BI-SEXUAL””


“What is a bi-sexual ask’s little suzie and what makes that special? Good Question little Suzie.”

So you explain to little Suzie in an age appropriate manner what bi-sexual means. What makes them special? Well it depends on who you’re talking about, his sexuality doesn’t make him special it’s just part of who he is, it dosn’t define him.

Who really cares about what deviants do in their own bedrooms and this activity should never be taught in our schools as normal or acceptable, period…

That being said, great achievements, heroic deeds, and doing good for mankind is the only thing that should be included in our children’s text books.A persons sexual exploits or references to, have no place in our schools or the teaching of our children.

If this goes through and becomes mandated, all it is doing is passing on to innocent kids that those deviant behaviors are normal and accepted by society. Here in CA they are clearly not, even in the Sodom and Gomorrah mecca of San Fran, a law was passed statewide by popular vote not once but twice to not make these lifestyles not appear to be normal by calling them “marriage”.

And question typo, how does one explain to a young child about the dirty truth of what those bisexuals are doing that garners them the name? Or how about homo sexual, or transvestites? How is that conversation appropriate and positive?

And what the hell does mr gay guys sexual preferences have to do with anything other than that is a choice he made for himself and no one else… It certainly does not need to be elabortated to a young child.

I can’t believe that there are 11 people stupid enough to give you a thumbs up. This is a great example of why the dems are doing the right thing on this issue. 11 backwoods hicks are giving thumbs up to someone that thinks,,no lets take back that word, that ‘feels’ that homosexuality a ‘sick perversion’ and that the gays are trying to ‘lure’ in kids to the gay lifestyle. How paranoid and backwards can 11 people be? Hide your kids you bunch of homophobes those gay’s are coming to brain wash yer kids! This is why I consider thumbs down as meaning good job. In this day and age you people should be ashamed of yourselves. I get the backwards attitude about being nervous about something that you don’t understand but to actually go along with this guys horrible disgusting post is just ignorant.

Kinda back to square one aren’t you Typoqueen. First off , you don’t know me or “my kind” as you put it, however your post is a perfect example of the thought process of “your kind” to coin your phrase. Baggers or conservatives are Backwoods,backwards hicks,paranoid,homophobes, ignorant bla,bla,bla. Everybody is supposed to accept the Dem way and when they disagree there attacked with names, do you ever read your own posts?. Glad to see free speech is on top of your priority list of rights. BTW, my family and I follow none of the parties flock because their both screwed up. How is it you can justify verbally attack others who do agree with you, and yet blame everybody but yourself as the driving force behind dividing our nations people?

Perhaps you should read a bit deeper. When I used the term ‘your kind’ I was mimicking (being sarcastic) what was said to me in another post, so you’re talking to the wrong person. In reality I would never use such a backwards term.

You think that calling gay people perverse and disgusting is okay, well I don’t. Looking through this thread it seems that Fedup’s post where he called gay people several nasty names it appears as if the moderator took out those posts but you bet when people give someone that says such hateful things thumbs up then I’ll tell them how I feel. Calling gay people such derogatory terms simply because they are gay is ‘backwoods, backwards, paranoid, homophobic, ignorant and any other term for stupid that I can think of. Hate is hate and it needs to be called to the table when it’s present. I don’t ususally agree with anything you say but I must say that I’m surprised that even you would go along with such hate filled rants.

I am all for free speech. When stupid people say stupid things then I’m free to say that they are stupid.

“I can’t believe that there are 11 people stupid enough to give you a thumbs up”. Yes, hate is hate. Stupid is just as derogatory a word as those you mentioned above and yet you throw it frequently and without hesitation. It seems everyone who doesn’t think like you do is “stupid” by your definition. Think about that…

I have never called you stupid and 99.0% of the time I adamantly disagree with you. When someone calls a whole section of the population perverse and disgusting then you’re right, the gloves are off. I believe in fighting discrimination at all costs. I disagree with most of the people that post on here but I don’t call them names. I might say you’re crazy or a Bagger but that’s not the same as ‘stupid’ or those other choice names, I save those for the ones that are truly mean.

Oh Great, How many of you are aware that the gay’s have been looking for clues of homosexuality in our historical public figures? For instance, they now claim that Abraham Lincoln was gay. They site a source that mentions a male friend who occassionally spent the night at the Lincoln home.

Apparently, they claim that Lincoln and Mary Todd had seperate bedrooms and you get the drift, so Abraham Lincoln was a homosexual.

They have a whole slew of honored American and historical figures that they want to bring out of the closet by noting an individuals sexuality in the main stream historical and literary US school books!

This isn’t about the gays being concerned that homosexual individuals have been excluded from our historical records because they were gay. This is about teaching all the kids which of the guy’s were gay.

This agenda is going to get rather expensive when the debates start. Here are “JUST A FEW” of the men and woman that the gay’s have opinions about. Socrates, Aristotle, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, Sappho, Tchaikovsky, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Hadrian, Desiderius Erasmus, Francis Bacon, Frederick the Great, Lord Byron, Richard the Lionheart, Saladin, Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar, James I, Queen Anne, Hans Christian Andersen, Baron VonSteuben, Edward II, James Dean,Shakespeare and Isaac Newton. A bunch of Popes and several Presidents are also on the list along with many others. I don’t expect the deceased will be putting up much of an argument. I wonder what they would say ?

Be sure to include some photos of homosexuals in the last stages of aids.

How about Ryan White, should they show him in the last stages of AIDs a well?

Are you implying that gays cause, and deserve, aids? If not, what are you saying? Yeah, its a terrible situation, an epidemic. But not limited to gays, millions have died around the globe due to hetero transmission.

“HIV/AIDSMain article: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).[11][12][13] HIV can infect anybody, regardless of sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.[14][15][16][17][18][19] Worldwide, an estimated 5–10% of HIV infections are the result of men having sex with men.[20] While in the United States, “men who have had sex with men since 1977 have an HIV prevalence (the total number of cases of a disease that are present in a population at a specific point in time) 60 times higher than the general population”.[21] In 2007, the largest estimated proportion of HIV/AIDS diagnoses among adults and adolescents in the U.S. were men who have sex with men (MSM). This category accounted for 53% of the overall diagnoses and 71% among men.[22]

A 2007 study reported that two large population surveys found “the majority of gay men had similar numbers of unprotected sexual partners annually as straight men and women.”[23][24] While some MSM do not have anal sex, those who do are more likely to contract HIV, especially if condoms are not used.[23] HIV is transmitted more easily during anal sex than vaginal sex because the lining of the rectum is thin and prone to tearing. Also, condoms are more likely to break during anal sex.[25] While the receptive partner is often more likely to develop an infection, the insertive partner is also at risk. HIV may also spread more quickly amongst MSM who switch sex roles.[23]

According to a CDC study, HIV prevalence in the MSM population of the U.S. varies widely by ethnicity. “As many as 46% of black MSM have HIV” while “the HIV rate is estimated at 21% for white MSM and 17% for Hispanic MSM.”[26][27][28] In the United States from 2001–2005, the highest transmission risk behaviors were sex between men (40–49% of new cases) and high risk heterosexual sex (32–35% of new cases).[29] HIV infection is increasing at a rate of 12% annually among 13–24-year-old American men who have sex with men.[30][31][32] Experts attribute this to “AIDS fatigue” among younger people who have no memory of the worst phase of the epidemic in the 1980s and early 1990s, as well as “condom fatigue” among those who have grown tired of and disillusioned with the unrelenting safer sex message. The increase may also be spurred by a reduced fear of infection due to the availability of new treatments.[30] In developing countries, HIV infection rates have been characterized as skyrocketing among MSM.[33] Studies have found that less than 5% of MSM in Africa, Asia, and Latin America have access to HIV-related health care.[33]”

How about a few facts about who gets it most and how it is transmitted most in the country….

And nowhere do I see Ryan Whites name comeup. Yes, he was a male and yes he got sick but not because of how most males get it…

Again, let me put this a different way. Dems can walk and chew gum at the same time. I understand that this is a difficult concept for neocons to understand but most Dems can handle more than one task at a time. It’s difficult for people that only use one side of their brains to get that. So to those that are worried or don’t understand, just sit back and let the dems take the wheel.

Nothing like a little mudslinging with every post. Of course the Neocons think the only things Dems are capable of while chewing gum is tripping while they try to walk,and yes that is technically multitasking. So I ask why must your kind single out a specific group of people like gays? Are you saying their different than anybody else and must be recognized like a their handicapped or something because they contributed to society? Why must your kind make a point to tell everyone what a “gay” did, why cant they be just an “American” or just a person like anybody else? Would you tell your kids about the people that did this or that and then in the same line say “Oh…but that one right there is gay” who cares, whats the point.

It wasn’t mud slinging. I read two different posts and now more that say that we need to only focus on cutting spending. Sorry I disagree, we need to focus on a lot of things and spending is only part of what we need to focus on. The way these people (most are neocons or Baggers) talk it sounds as if they can’t focus on more than one issue at a time, go back and read the posts, that’s what they said. If our politicians can’t focus on other issues then they shouldn’t be there.

‘My kind’ (talk about throwing mud) aren’t all the same, unlike ‘your kind’ we are independent thinkers. We don’t need others to tell us how to think. As for myself I do believe that this topic regarding putting gays in history books is important. Why not? Gay’s can’t be ‘just American’ as you say. They are discriminated against so it isn’t as simple as you say. By teaching people that there have been many great people in history that also happened to be gay it might teach some that that gays are equal to everyone else. By demonstrating that there were great people in history that were gay it might help that gay 16 year old realize that he’s not worthless. It might help the bullies around him with parents too ignorant to teach them right from wrong that the gay student next to them is thier equal and not inferior to them. Teenage suicide rates are very high amongst gay teens, perhaps it help that suicidal teen think twice before hurting themselves.

I might tell my children if a certain famous person was gay, I might not because my kids were raised knowing that being gay doesn’t mean not being equal. But more importantly if I had a teen that was gay I certainly would tell them when ever possible about famous great gay people in our history. They need to feel as as if they fit in and I can’t think of a better way to do that. When we celebrate Martin Luther King Day it gives young African Americans something to hold their heads up about and say ‘wow, he did it, maybe I can do it too’. I wouldn’t be surprised if history books say that JFK was an Irish Catholic. It’s not unusual when teaching about historic figures to also learn about personal aspects of their lives.

Where is there true equality?????

So we shouldn’t work towards that?

Sorry queen but right now all attention should be focused on cutting gov’t spending and getting the economy moving again. Trying to sort out what gays did in US history is not something I want my tax dollars going to right now. When times are flush, well then maybe address it. This is not the time. There are more important matters at hand.

Well now i know why I would Never vote for a tax extension or tax increase if this is a priority of the Democrats. Please ith the state about ready to really go down the tubes and this is what they are concerned about?

Mark Leno manipulation is fallacious.

this is not what our legislators should be up to right now. If they forgot, we have huge unemployment and major budget problems. To think they are spending time on this right now just shows how full of crap they are.

This is long overdue. I hope the bill passes and is signed into law, but that it be implemented with care and good taste. There will be many who find such information objectionable, and I feel for them.

I find the almost total lack of education about our disaster in Viet Nam (and of course repeated again right now, in duplicate), the holocaust we perpetrated against the only true americans that ever lived (native americans, not us white illegals) and many other omissions and lies very objectionable. I wonder if those ‘many’ feel for me. I doubt it.

With all of the serious problems facing our democratically led legislature, is this really what they should be spending their time on? How about drop all this and balance the budget first?

Dems are very good at multi tasking, they can do both,,and even more.