Hill tries to divert spotlight away from his fiancée

March 3, 2013
Adam Hill

Adam Hill


An Arroyo Grande marketing company that worked on the successful re-election bid of San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill has launched a new website attacking those who question Hill and his fiancée’s actions.

“Some friends have begun a new website and a political action committee to push back against the fact-free toxicity coursing through our community from the likes of the Tea Party, COLAB, Congalton, and CalCoastNews,” Hill wrote in a mass email sent out Saturday, introducing the debut issue of SLOSense. “I am interested to see what they do and whether it provides the necessary counterweight to the hateful nonsense being spewed.”

The new site, which uses the same IP address as AdamHill.us, does not identify the names of its writers. The domain is registered to Paul Hughes, who is the owner of PoliARC and a paid political consultant of Hill.

SLOSense fired an opening salvo on its Facebook page against CalCoastNews, calling it “voyeurism” to post the salaries of CAPSLO managers in a recent news story.

“Publishing the salaries of government workers, whether they’re part of a fixed narrative or not, is neither fair nor honorable,” the SLOSense Facebook page says. A sentiment not held by the state legislature, which in light of the city of Bell scandal, has touted the importance of transparency and requires government agencies to disclose salaries.

Hill threatened to destroy CalCoastNews last summer if reporters continued to investigate allegations concerning the treatment of the homeless in San Luis Obispo. He recently became engaged to Dee Torres, Director of Homeless Services for CAPSLO, one of the subjects of an on going CalCoastNews investigation.

More than a dozen current and ex-employees of CAPSLO have voiced their concerns about mistreatment of the homeless under Torres’ management, four of whom were quoted in a recent CalCoastNews story. Hill has countered claiming reporters and sources have an “axe to grind.”

“This is not journalism, this is axe grinding and score settling by four disgruntled ex-employees who were fired,” Hill said on a Facebook post. “Now that they’ve come forward with fallacious allegations, I believe CAPSLO will be able to share their personnel histories. You can’t lie about your ex-employer so as to smear the work they do.”

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Nakita Khrushechev 1956…”.We will bury you.”

Adam Hill 2012…..” I will destroy you.”

Some things never change.

Adam left a nice thank you note to Tom and Paul and then it disappeared.

I guess Tom does not want his name out in front on this?

So instead to post “anonymously” on facebook, irony much?

So $1500 a month to consult on the botched chipseal on highway 1, what is Adam and crew paying?

Or perhaps it’s customer retention for the next election, hire Tom or else.

Hill and Gibson make me ashamed to be a Democrat.

How much is this clown being paid for trying to intimidate people? What does it take to start a recall in his district? Is this really the best that we can do to represent the 3rd District? He seems to care nothing about helping his constituents and consumed by trying to protect his love interest. I’ve lived in this county for over 60 years and have never witnessed the arrogance and ignorance of Adam Hill. As T.S. Elliot once said,”Half of the harm done in this world is due to people who want to feel important”. Gibson and Hill fit that description in spades. When will the people of their districts rise up and say we’ve had enough?

I think it’s how much is this clown paying his consultants?

His salary and benefits are readily available. Info on what it takes for a recall is readily available. Stop whining on some internet forum, getoff your 60 year residential butt and do something about it.

Why is it any time I hear Hill’s name I keep hearing in the background the tick, tick, tick of a ticking time bomb.

Am I the only one who finds facebook a pathetic forum for a public official to air his/her views?

But he is a pathetic official as he has proven time and time and time and……………………..again.

Never in a million years would I have thought I would be allied with the Tea Party, COLAB and/or

CongaDave. But here I am. Sitting on a perch above a Hill and watching it sink slowly slowly into the

ground. When is this guy going to give up (I ask rhetorically speaking)? He seems to have an IP

address fetish. He once threatened me with his knowledge of such things. If it weren’t for his position

as a county supervisor he could be brushed off as a simple clown. Since he is a Soup he should

rightly be washed under the bridge.

Where might Adam and Dee honeymoon? Costa Rica maybe? Costa Mesa?

I got a kick out of Hill’s first, un-edited version of his comment on the slosense facebook page. It must have took him an hour to think a little and edit his comment. Here is copy of it.


Adam Hill Exactly, Mary, this is not journalism, this is axe grinding and score settling. 4 disgruntled ex-employees who were fired. Now that they’ve come forward, I believe CAPSLO will be able to share their personnel histories. CalCoastLies and Dave Congalton are are scourge on our community.

8 hours ago


Adam Hill Exactly, Mary, this is not journalism, this is axe grinding and score settling. 4 disgruntled ex-employees who were fired. Now that they’ve come forward, I believe CAPSLO will be able to share their personnel histories. CalCoastLies and their pimp Dave Congalton are are scourge on our community.

8 hours ago

Adam Hill Exactly, Mary, this is not journalism, this is axe grinding and score settling. 4 disgruntled ex-employees who were fired. Now that they’ve come forward with fallacious allegations, I believe CAPSLO will be able to share their personnel histories. You can’t lie about your so as to smear the work they do.

7 hours ago


This is visible to anyone who can see this post.

I would hope that having a publicly elected official call Dave Congalton a pimp would be grounds for a lawsuit. How much more of this little Napoleonic tantrum are the taxpayers of San Luis Obispo going to be on the hook to pay for?

Just in the last few minutes he edited it again to a new “G” version. LMAO! What a piece of work!


“Adam Hill Exactly, Mary, this is not journalism, this is axe grinding and score settling. No community should settle for this.”

… and now, nothing. Looks like he deleted his FB post. No worries, I have a copy. Too funny!

Thank you, Slowtime! Welcome to my world.

If I could “like” this post 37 times more, I would.

it is the crux of Adam Hill, period.

Do nothing, followed by attack, retreat, back-pedal, trash the opponents, attack, silence, disseminate false information, attack, circle the wagons, attack, ignore the public, disseminate false information, deny, cover the ass of the girlfriend on the same taxpayer dole, lash out at the news, attack, wish that Gibson’s problem was still top priority, silence, hiding head in Dee’s sand and then FINALLY, barring all that, start a new website to deflect the white hot light of transparency off his gal-pal and onto the ONLY news organization getting to the facts.

The entire Cal Coast News team is my personal hero and has been for years. Until there is a spotlight shining into every dark corner of our county, our government, our area big businesses? Don’t trust ’em. Truth is in transparency and we deserve no less than that of our government – at ALL levels. This place is the only place providing that.

“CalCoastLies and their pimp” that is from someones Topix posting fetish. Those phrases repeatedly posted by fake accounts after a number of CCN stories.

I could be wrong here, but if Adam Hill is making these negative remarks about the 4 ex-employees wouldn’t one assume that Dee Torres is discussing personnel matters with her what, boyfriend, board of supervisor, friend, citizen and/or facebook web commentor. Is this legal that Dee Torres is discussing personnel issues to someone outside the organization and her manager position and then these are discussed in public forum. CAPSLO should sue these ex-employees if there is an issued, oh yea, that would be correct way to handle this situation in a transparent, honest forum, lawsuit. CAPSLO could correct all this if it is false, file a lawsuit and end this insanity and childlike behavior. Just saying!

In response to the sixth article in this series, I made the suggestion that current and former employees of CAPSLO and any members of the public who had information could draft a statement with a declaration that the statement was made under penalty of perjury. Then they should send those factual statements as follows:

“Make several copies of the statement. Send one to Ms. Biz Steinberg. Send one to CCN if you want. Keep one for yourself. Send one to the City of San Luis Obispo and to the County of San Luis Obispo. You can also send a copy to the attorneys for those governmental entities. They will keep copies in their files. Send one to the District Attorney’s office if you want. Send one to Social Security if there are facts in your statement that pertain to anyone receiving those funds.”

As you can see, the statements would have gone to people with the power to investigate and use enforcement powers. This included Social Security (a governmental agency) and the District Attorney.

The statements were “due” over the weekend to be mailed Monday and arrive on Wednesday. During the time people are writing their statements, Mr. Hill supposedly comes out with this as a response? The response isn’t, please send them in and we will take a look at it since it is causing some public concern? Instead of searching for the facts there is an effort to assume all of the information is false before hearing it and to dissuade those with knowledge from giving the information?

First, employment records cannot be opened by CAPSLO to discredit a former employee who wants to talk to the press or anybody else. CAPSLO has civil remedies if necessary. If employee records were wrongfully released, CAPSLO could be liable to the witness for a substantial sum. It would be payday for some more lawyers.

Second, language quoted above in the last paragraph and attributed to Supervisor Adam Hill is of serious concern on many levels.

Perhaps another leader will be interested in the facts first and then look at the veracity of the individual witnesses. Trying to prevent the facts from coming out appears to be a tactic of someone who is really worried at what the facts will tend to show.

I Googled the terms California Dissuading Witness and came up with some very interesting reading.