Plan to regulate pot touted

March 25, 2013
Tom Ammiano

Tom Ammiano

A new state bureaucracy to regulate medical cannabis is being proposed by a San Francisco Democrat who believes California “has been in chaos for years” over muddled marijuana laws. (Bay Area News Group)

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano’s bill would create the Division of Medical Cannabis Regulation and Enforcement within the existing Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). The lawmaker asserts his measure would monitor supply and sales of the weed to assure the product is free of toxins, and “eliminate” criminal behavior.

“Cities have been looking for state guidance, dispensaries feel at the mercy of changing rules and patients who need medical cannabis are uncertain about how their legitimate medical needs will be filled,” said Ammiano in a prepared release. “This is a concrete plan that will keep medical marijuana safe. We will get it into the right hands and keep it out of the wrong hands.”

Colorado has successfully used a similar model for the past three years, according to Ammiano.

A  consultant who helped craft the Colorado regulatory plan, Matt Cook, said the ABC is experienced in areas necessary, such as education, compliance and enforcement.”

Cook added, “We’ve not had one federal intervention.”

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Typical government response…(let us regulate it and keep YOU safe…we only want to help you). If you folks that need this medicine want to keep Med Marijuana safe and affordable you need to tell this guy to keep his big government hands off of it.

Hey, does this guy look like Martin Short or what?

Just what this state needs another overpaid under working agency…

Hows that war on drugs been going for the last 40 years?

Way to go Tom Ammiano, Democrat from San Francisco,

“Assemblyman Tom Ammiano’s bill would create the Division of Medical Cannabis Regulation and Enforcement within the existing Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC).”

Just another employee of another agency. Something like this gal:

” Alameda County supervisors have really taken to heart the adage that government should run like a business — rewarding County Administrator Susan Muranishi with the Wall Street-like wage of $423,664 a year.”

“For the rest of her life.”

What the heck are you smoking Tom, we all would like a little…

Why not simply abolish antiquated pot laws and leave it and those who use it alone? Grow it, smoke it, eat it, whatever. It’s a ‘free country’, right?

PS – ‘Driving under the influence’ laws would still apply to those driving while intoxicated on any substance.

Is there a test, such as breathalizer, that can be administered on site to determine imparment?, if not it will not work to treat it like alcohol.

A national insult…?

“A national insult who helped craft the Colorado regulatory plan, Matt Cook, said the ABC is experienced in areas necessary, such as education, compliance and enforcement.


Looks like Martin Short in the pic!

Those were my thoughts exactly!

ok, confession, my thoughts were actually “he looks just like that really annoying actor” and then you filled in the blank.

Another government agency…I see lots of people getting rich for doing nothing

until the feds take the revenue stream

Why not have one of the many, many, many, many other departments do this without creating a new state bureaucracy. Given the size of the government in CA we have to have someone who can do this without huge additional staff and costs

and go figure a democrate who wants a even bigger government machine to feed, who would have guessed………

Careful, you’re bound to get some paint on yourself, using a brush that broad.

The only partisan relation here is that the conservatives are the ones who pushed us into this corner more so than the dem’s, ergo, they have helped to create the need for this department to keep an eye on the VOTER APPROVED measures relating to medical cannabis. Keeping the weed illegal creates tens of thousands of “legitimate” jobs that are nearly all paid for by government (Street level cops, narcotic tasks force at the county, state, and federal level, public defenders, judges, private prisons which are funded by the public, etc.) So why were you complaining about creating “…a even bigger government machine to feed…”? If the laws were respected by said government, the “government machine” as related to cannabis would have shrunk.

Well said, Bert!