Paul Brown responds to abuse allegations

May 28, 2013
Paul Brown

Paul Brown


It came to my attention today that my ex-wife, Jayne Isaacs, has sent out an email attacking my character in the final three weeks of this special election. While the ugliness of our divorce and the related proceedings from 2007 are long in the past for me, I am compelled to respond to statements made in her email.

-The allegations of abuse were investigated by the San Luis Obispo District Attorney’s Office and found to be without merit.

-Commissioner Perry, who presided over our divorce and placed the restraining order, rescinded (removed) the order eighteen months before it was scheduled to expire. Perry stated he didn’t feel I was a threat either now or when the order was originally placed, but felt he needed to, at the time, err on the side of caution.

-If the accusations were true, I would not be able to work as a police officer in the state of California. I have successfully passed four background investigation processes and have never been denied employment as a law enforcement officer based on anything in my personal history.

I regret the public has to have all this “dirty laundry” aired, once again, because of the election. I feel it is regrettable that accusations like this are used as a tool in divorce and politics because it takes away from those who truly need protection from physical abuse.

If any members of the media or public want to contact me regarding this issue, please call my cell phone (805) 550-1661.

Paul Brown is a San Luis Obispo City Council candidate.

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I don’t know if Brown is the right candidate or not but I’m sure getting tired of this kind of gotcha politics. I’m sick of the dirty Chicago style politics that are being practiced in today’s elections. Just think of all of the brilliant social and economic problem solvers that will never run for public office because of a problem in his or her past.

It always pleases me to see more and more people wake up to what Democrat politics has become. Of course, Republican politics is not any better, but the Dems have had a free ride for so long, I hope it comes to an end. We should chastise any politician and/or party for shady politics.

My mother always told me that a rat will always go where the least light is.

Can you name any? Even Weiner is at it again.

…or Willie Brown… or Marion Barry… or Jesse Jackson jr; Barney Frank, Daniel Inouye, Neil Goldschmidt, Mike Lowry… I’m sure I’ve missed a ton. Pretty much most people in politics are scumbags, as only the lowest among us strive to serve it seems.

Politics is a blood sport.

“Just think of all of the brilliant social and economic problem solvers that will never run for public office because of a problem in his or her past.”

Even if they didn’t have holes in their resumes, the probably still would not run. Their instinct tells them that government doesn’t work.

That’s why I’m an anarchist.

Cool! So I can come shoot you and take your stuff? That kind of anarchist? Or one of those “I’m safe and comfy, life-is-so-good I’ll be an anarchist?”

You want anarchy, move to Somalia.

I’m not a SLO voter but I admire him for personally addressing his ex-wife’s email and for posting his personal cell phone number.

ponygirl seems to be intimately acquainted w/the allegations so perhaps she can answer:

Why now? Why didn’t the ex-wife send out the e-mail years before when Brown was running for mayor of SLO?

And who assisted the ex-wife in obtaining a hundred+ e-mail addresses? Dave Congalton just stated on the air that the e-mail was sent to his personal account so how did Jayne and her helpers compile such a lengthy mailing list? (Congalton said he maybe chatted w/the woman twice & doesn’t even know her.)

And most importantly, was Brown’s opponent Carlyn Christianson or the SLO Democratic Committee involved in any way?

I am involved in that I have known Jayne for 25 years. She stayed at our house off & on throughout the marriage.

Why now? I think she clearly adresses it: she suffered the shame of silence that so very, very many victims of spousal abuse carry with them. This election period has been extremely painful for her, so she has chosen to speak out, because she felt it was time, AND she felt it would also help lighten the stigma of being a survivor for herself & others.

The ‘conspiracy’ of being a pawn of the Democrats is laughable. She is merely a woman who wants her truth to be heard.

We have both lived in this county a long time. We are both business owners. Between the two of us, we can accumulate quite a list of email addresses, as can anybody who can do a simple google search.

I do not think she is a “pawn” of the Democrats, rather (like most who do things for the DCC), she is a useful idiot for them.

Not believing one is a pawn is much worse than actually being a pawn.

Roy, anonymity is another way idiots hide.

Ah, but anonymous posters are rarely useful!

The Repuglicans always have to change the subject when it’s their guy gets caught in trouble, but have no problem slinging bricks, mud and baseball bats at the other side whenever the slightest impropriety is suggested. They’re just schoolyard bullies, always right (wrong).

You forgot the warning label: CAUTION, POLITICAL HACK

I think Paul Brown has given a thoughtful transparent response.

The smear attack on Candidate Brown is the last act of desperate people.

BTW. Wouldn’t it have been nice if the County government and Supervisors Gibson and Hill would have been half as forthcoming with their recent personal public relations nightmares.

This whole episode reminds me of the attacks by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth on John Kerry in 2004.

That’s a pretty far reach, actually… but in this politically-charged crowd, you’ll no doubt get the 20%’ers that agree with anything anti-bush before thinking.

What exactly has Brown “been forthcoming about?” Seems like he’s still in a constant state of denial. People beat black and blue don’t do it to themselves usually. He hasn’t explained that, just denied he’s a bum, which is sorta like protesting too much, isn’t it? Makes me think he has a lot to hide.

This isn’t only about him choking his wife (she has the medical reports and pix) it’s about Mr. Brown’s anger and arrogance. I was verbally attacked by Mr. Brown on 2 occasions when he sat on the council. After myself and several others made legitimate public comments he didn’t like, he stopped the meeting and went on a 5 minute tirade starting with “I am sick and tired of you people”.

I was shocked at the time. I am a moderate, rationale person who likes to go to council meetings and voice opinions. I never dreamed a council member would try to intimidate SLO residents with anger…but he did it on many occasions.

What do you say, Paul? Are you gonna deny that too?? Probably. Bullies always lie and deny. But a lot of us remember.

Gee if verbally attacking a member of the public making a commnet were reason not to have someone or remove someone from the council we would be looking for several new members in the county and city

Some kid yelled at me once, I felt so abused and I’ve never gotten over it. What a bully. Disagreeing and yelling at me. I’m so hurt.

Here’s my “man” card… *sniff*

rOy, what you understand about acceptable conduct by elected city council members could fit on a pinhead. And why exactly do you think Brown lost last time? Because he was such a great statesman? And speaking about crying, Brown is the ultimate crybaby who never got over losing to Jan Marx. He’s a bully…just like you.

I don’t know how accurate and objective your story is but assuming it is both, that would be a good argument against electing him to office. That is the best reason for opposing Adam Hill next time around.

I understand that some members of the public can be annoyingly ignorant and repetitious when the speak up at meetings of a City Council or County BoS. But the reaction to them should be at least cold civility and not bursts of anger or verbal dominance. A person who can’t maintain their composure in that situation is not fit to hold that position. (Shouting, personal attacks by the general public don’t need to be tolerated but that is why there’s a cop or deputy at the door.)

Without having been there, it is all hearsay. Perhaps civility was tried, time and again, to no avail? Should they continue to ask nicely for the nut-job to please sit down? We do not know. Maybe he is a hot-head, maybe the local whack-job kept pressing buttons. Again, we do not know.

he can’t manage his own gun, and he want to manage our MILLIONS

But Paso had a Police Chief who couldn’t do the same thing and yet she got $250,000 and a handshake to leave

I’ve never had ANY of my unregistered weapons left unattended and unsecured. Ever. Not even my registered and legal ones, either.

That’s a huge black mark on Brown (or anyone’s) record for me. Not a deal-breaker, but I already voted for Don.

I agree that it is a negative but he owned up to it and accepted the consequences. However, that was a moment of severe personal carelessness I don’t see how it is relevant to his political ambitions.

I don’t expect politicians to be perfect in every aspect of their lives and will tolerate those mistakes that don’t enter into the realm of their public responsibilities. If I was a SLO resident, I would be more concerned about his views on issues and any financial interests he might have that could affect his votes.

That is true. That is also how you know he is not a democrat. He took responsibility for it.

Careful, r0Y. Lisa Solomon Chitty’s not a democrat, either, and she’s NEVER taken responsibility for any of her actions.

Just a reminder that unfortunately there are rats on both sides–the Left AND the Right. The difference is what OnTheOtherHand says: Brown owned up to his gun debacle and I respect him for that .

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Scorned, or abused?

Pony, I suspect there was time in her life when she was indeed abused. Statistically, there is a higher propensity for such abuse in high stress relationships such as law enforcement.

Kara is a bitch, and it appears to be payback time, but is this really the solution to adding closure to her life? You can’t change spots on a leopard. He is what he is.

She needs tom get on with her life.

Good question! Do you KNOW the answer or are you making assumptions and baseless assertions?

I wonder if Paul Brown endorses the theory issued by some of his most vocal hsupporters saying that his ex-wife’s most recent allegations are a strategic part of a conspiracy against him launched by the Democratic Party.

is that what YOU claim, Mr. Brown? If not, would you care to set the record straight and advise your supporters not to spread such divisive and misleading information?

I would be curious to hear his response to that as well.

Pretty sure that anyone with two braincells to rub together could piece together that this is politically motivated. I’m sure it wasn’t necessarily an “ordered” hit piece (that he’s replying to), rather there are enough politically-motivated operatives in place, without decency or morals, and automatically think to do this (maybe without direction or nudges).

Sort of like the IRS scandal. I’m sure baby O didn’t order them himself, but has enough henchmen and lackeys (lacking morals, get it?) to ensure that crappy policies just come about. Like the FBI wiretapping journalist… or Bengazhi, or the EPA… ah well, we get the picture… or do we?

Political consultants are, by their very nature, the turds of life – so don’t be surprised we often have to hold our noses when their “craft” surfaces.

I have to wonder if Brown’s ex-wife received a stipend of some kind from the Democratic Central Committee? The timing of her public comments smack strongly of a planned political strike. That sort of sewage is not needed in local elections…

oh, yeah. she received a ton of cash. you bet. you on csi?

As dirty as the politic is statewide and nationally, I don’t think I have seen the behavior demonstrated by Mrs. Brown (b: Isaacs) after a divorce of six years in any election. Why now, Mrs. Brown?

Maybe because she is tired of reading and hearing that he is such a great guy, when she knows he isn’t? Not that hard to figure out…

You seem to assume that she is telling the truth. Do you have a factual basis for that? Do you automatically assume that all such claims are based in fact and that such claims are never made solely for purposes of leverage in a divorce or as revenge for perceived slights? Or do you believe it because you dislike Brown on general principles?

I don’t know what the truth is, but barring a rational counter argument from his ex-wife, I find Brown’s position and supporting reasoning to be at least plausible. I am not a resident of SLO so it really doesn’t affect me but I dislike character attacks made without significant proof to support them.

SIX years indeed…

Skeletons left unattended can make a lot of noise in closets.

You might want to check that wording, Mr Brown. You know it can, and will, come back to bite you.

Stop racking your misandrist muck.

You are sadly confused. I love men. Just not that one.

You’re clearly playing the sex angle for all it’s worth. Your don’t want to hear the facts. Your postings are heavily laced with the stench of misandry. No, it’s not “OK” because you are a woman. Misandry is every bit as wrong as misogyny .

There is no “sex angle”. It is a case of right or wrong. Unless you feel it is ok to batter and abuse one’s spouse (and let me be clear, whatever the gender), then I think that is what is being discussed here: right vs wrong, and character in our elected (and hoping to be elected) officials. End of discussion.

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