Stalker stabbed in Oceano
June 13, 2013
A 43-year-old man stopped by his girlfriend’s house early Wednesday morning and left with a hunting knife stuck in the right side of his body.
On Tuesday, Donald Ralph Juarez left San Luis Obispo County Jail went to visit his girlfriend at her Oceano home where he found her with another man, 20-year-old Cody Alexander Jackson. Juarez confronted Jackson inside his girlfriend’s house before he left.
Juarez returned Wednesday around 4:50 a.m., forced his way into the house and began assaulting his girlfriend.
When the woman cried for help, Jackson stabbed Juarez in the back. Sheriff’s deputies found Juarez shortly after in the driveway of the house with a hunting knife stuck in his side.
Responders transported Juarez to a local hospital, where he received treatment for stab wounds that are not life threatening.
Once Juarez leaves the hospital, sheriff’s deputies will book him in jail for stalking, domestic violence and burglarizing a residence.
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