Marketing of Fear and Disease in America

August 15, 2013


Recently the media has continued its intentional misinformation campaign intended to create fear in the public and create the illusion of controversy, this time targeting fish oil supplements. The purpose of this campaign is to convince the public that supplements are to be feared and drive the unsuspecting to turn to pharmaceutical companies for answers. The previous campaign telling you that supplements were a “waste of money” and “just gave you expensive urine” was failing and the heat needed to be turned up.

Recently a similar attack befell the supplement carnitine, another important nutrient used to treat cardiovascular disease was portrayed in the media, extraordinarily inaccurately, as a cause of heart disease. A similar situation is occurring now with a treatment for prostate cancer being linked as a cause for prostate cancer. The entire media system is part of an obvious deadly ploy to misguide the general populace away from the prevention of disease and towards the drug-industry treatment of disease.

I recently ran across these quotes from Mark Twain, “If you don’t read the newspaper you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.” And “Be careful if you read health books. You may die of a misprint.” What this brilliant gentleman witnessed in his time pales in comparison to our current deliberate campaign by the financially elite to promote disease and, as part of that strategy, crush true prevention.

Many of you might be saying to yourselves, “He’s going too far. This can’t be true. Why would anyone promote disease?” My answers to those queries would go as follows “No, I am not going far enough. It is probably true at levels deeper than even I have guessed yet. And money!”

Watch the documentaries Gasland and Gasland Part 2, and read the counter pieces funded by the natural gas industry, and then you will get a great feel for what the financially elite will do for money at your expense.

Let me explain a little further. Prevention is boring and unpopular. We knew for decades that if the levees on the Mississippi River in New Orleans were not repaired, a direct hurricane hit would be devastating. The US Army Corps of Engineers who were directly blamed for the levee failures could not finish repairs on levees in time for the 2005 Hurricane Katrina, the project started in 1965! Katrina caused over a $100 billion in costs, over 1800 people dead and untold suffering and environmental damage, much of this preventable at a fraction of the cost. Current cost of the War in the Middle East is between 3.2 – 4 trillion dollars and is expected to keep growing. The US has the money to kill around 300,000 people across the world for unclear motives, but not protect our citizens from the anti-preventative health movement. There is vastly more money to be made by not preventing, actually creating, a false war while sending young, usually impoverished American youths to their deaths than by creating peace. There is vastly more money to be made by cleaning up after the hurricane than preventing a few thousand deaths of impoverished primarily non-white Americans. If these levees protected The Hamptons, do you believe they would not have been repaired? This is what the GOP means by “Job Creators”.

You might wonder what Katrina and natural gas fracking and misinformation on fish oils have to do with each other. The answer is very simple: there exists a marketing campaign intended to enslave you at all levels and convince you that climate change doesn’t exist, we can’t afford sustainable energy, and that anything that isn’t a drug or a GMO is bad for you. Although that last part was slight hyperbole, we must recognize these forces for what they are. A profit motive exists to make sure that people who might prevent a heart attack or a cancer by healthy eating and supplements is “bad for business”, and the media is the mouthpiece of those that would profit from your disease. For anyone who actually believed these recent reports regarding fish oil and cancer, I will be doing a multi-part series on what real science thinks of fish oils. In the meantime, any report in mainstream media on anything must be looked at through the eyes of our intellectual leaders, who realize Media =Misinformation.

If you want accurate information on supplements, I recommend, our website with many articles on supplement usage and safety, and http:/, a good site for up to date information on recent supplement research. Seeing things exactly as they are without needing to change them is what I want from our readers. As my life path, healing and wholeness, is the opposite of mainstream media’s goal, then I must advocate for you. I started out today to write an article on fish oil and prostate cancer and felt a great wave of sadness over how marketing trumps knowledge in the Game of Health Care. I couldn’t write that article without first recognizing how powerful a force the media is in creating fear and disease. You have a choice.


Your Journey to Health and Healing,

Gary E. Foresman, MD


Sources: (2011 Cost of war estimate) (2013 Cost of war update)


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Sounds like Slotech90 is an ultra sensitive part of the medical community Gary is writing about.

I am in my 70s and thought aches and pains were just part a worn out body growing older. I started going to him 8 or 9 months ago. He gave me a list of supplements and I no longer feel like my body is wearing out. I am no longer sore or have pain even though I exercise more thoroughly. Actions and experience for me speak louder than words.

Oops, I forgot to mention I was on Benicar (high blood pressure prescription pills) for 30 years. I spent lots of my time trying to exercise enough that I could get off them, but expected to be on them for my life. 3 months ago my blood pressure dropped and I had to quit the pills. It’s currently in the 118/75 range. I no longer use prescriptions. You bet I’m a happy customer!

likely down-voted for the SHEER WALL OF TEXT! A simple link would have sufficed.

“You might wonder what Katrina and natural gas fracking and misinformation on fish oils have to do with each other. The answer is very simple: there exists a marketing campaign intended to enslave you at all levels and convince you that climate change doesn’t exist, we can’t afford sustainable energy, and that anything that isn’t a drug or a GMO is bad for you. ”

Actually Dr., you’ve got it 180 degrees wrong. It’s the media that’s pushing the nonsensical narrative on “global warming”. Yes “global warming” not climate change which the alarmists tossed into the pot when “global warming” was proved a fraud. Why “climate change”, because the climate is always changing and no matter what the weather did they could blame it on the new mantra. In the matter of supplements, if you want to piss away your money on “supplements” that are all found in a healthy diet – do it. My good friend who’s in the business is laughing all the way to the bank. How much did you knock down last year selling snake oil? Hmmmmm

Sometimes you have to look outside of the mainstream to find out about what “corporate medicine” and the “good ol’ boy” network of doctors, researchers, drug companies, schools of medicine and the FDA all conspire to hold back from us. Here, let me share this with you just as an example of how the train of thought in healthcare is far more driven by long-term treatment (more money over an indeterminate amount of time) then cure (one time fee never to be paid again);

Also, look into Aspartame and how the FDA pushed that down our throats while there was substantial evidence that it was extremely unsafe, and still is! And while you’re at it look into the real reasons why the FDA requires the disclaimer “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.” to be printed on every label of a supplement not approved by them.

Jeff Stone

A simple light bulb. Yes, I am talking about a simple light bulb. Many years ago, a light bulb that would work forever was made. But the industry pushes light bulbs that need replacing. This example shows that the rate of progress only increases where the profits are made. The idea to make the world a better place, will never happen. Greedy and powerful people will always try and tell you how you can live. Good people will always be victim to those who will kill, cheat and steal. Then there are those who don’t have the guts to kill, but profit from the dying and dead. We have a protected specie…. Stupid People. Our government is protecting them, breeding them, and jailing them…. it’s crazy!

Many years ago, a light bulb that would work forever was made.


Wrong. That’s a myth. Complete fabrication.

Egg on my face, I found that this article in HuffPo was addressing the wrong “new study”

on prostate cancer and Omega 3 fatty acids. This goes to prove you can’t trust the media to get everything right.

Quote from your OpEd above – “…the media is the mouthpiece of those that would profit from your disease.”

Yet you cite the media – HuffPo and Reuters – as the source of your stats to back your argument.

Here’s a fact – Live well, eat right, exercise every day – DIE ANYWAY. Yesteryear’s snake oil is today’s supplements market. The consuming public have no idea what’s in these products or if they’re safe, and they use all of it – including physicians “practicing medicine” at their own risk.

I appreciate your passion, Doctor Foresman, but perhaps you have fallen prey to Mark Twain’s quote you also cited in this piece, “If you don’t read the newspaper you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.”

Yes, an this member of the media is his mouthpiece. What does that say for his arguments?

What are you really saying here?

TL;DR version: the money is in the treatment, not the cure.

That about sum it up?

no, thats hyperbole.

Gary I hear you on all that but nevertheless putting an insidious evil intent behind all of that is a stretch. You are talking vastly different industries over generations which means many many different people are having to conspire and keep it a secret. All for the might dollar of which 99% of these conspirators would never see.

The possibility of what you’re saying being true is extremely remote. I mean it would make winning the lotto look like winning a coin flip.