AG officer raises pale in comparison to Adams

September 30, 2014
Julie Tacker

Julie Tacker


In spite of City Manager Steve Adams attempt to characterize events surrounding his own bad judgment on July 3 by insinuating the police would benefit from “damaging my reputation.” In spite of being characterized as liars by their own bosses. In spite of waiting for the city council to do the right thing and watching them fail. In spite of it all, effective Sept. 26, Arroyo Grande police officers will finally see a raise.

While it’s a win for the city to put negotiations behind them, the win is bittersweet in light of the saga that has unfolded over these last months. Compounded by watching Adams get a 10 percent raise on July 4 and legal counsel, Tim Carmel get a 3 percent raise in August, the POA settled on a 2.5 percent increase, for only the remainder of fiscal year 2014-15, then a 2 percent bump in fiscal year 2015-16 and some changes to their cafeteria plan.

The Arroyo Grande Police Association (POA) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) expired on June 30. Over the past several months, on nearly every city council closed session agenda, negotiations had been under way for a successor MOU. At one point the POA had to hire their own legal counsel to defend their benefits as the city asked for concessions.

At long last, the terms finally agreed upon were voted on and approved by the POA’s 30 members on Sept. 15, putting that matter to bed. The very next vote made by the membership was a vote of ‘No Confidence’ in Mr. Adams and the next, another vote of ‘No Confidence’ in Mayor Tony Ferrara. Their letter of Sept.17 was sent to the Arroyo Grande City Council reflecting the POA has no confidence in their leaders.

A special meeting of the council was held on Saturday, Sept. 20, when the council changed course to include an independent investigation. Yet the mayor’s letter out of closed session further disappointed and at the council’s Tuesday night regular meeting members of the POA expressed their dissatisfaction and remain steadfast in the position of no confidence with the council over the handling of the Adams/McClish incident and the cover up.

When most of the public had said their piece and left the crowded meeting, the council went about their business. There, buried on the consent calendar, and in spite of it all, the POA’s MOU was passed without a word, a question, or congratulations. Today, the hard working men and women of the AGPOA will begin being compensated, in the manner agreed, for their dedication to the City of Arroyo Grande, in spite of it all.

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The Arroyo Grande City Council has called a special meeting for this Wednesday, Oct. 8 at 9 am with a public comment and 1 agenda item: consideration of approval of contract for services with Sintra Group Investigations.

The Public Comment says it can only be about the agenda item, but I got news for them folks. you could say that you want the streets painted pink and they cannot deny your right to speak.

Here is all the information in one place to support JIM HILL as write in candidate for AG Mayor. (website)

Write In Jim Hill Mayor Arroyo Grande (Facebook…please *like*)

(805) 441-5133 (phone/questions)

669 Garfield Place, Arroyo Grande CA 93420 (mail checks)

Please be sure check has your phone number, address, occupation and employment (if $100 or more)

Can you put a sign in your yard or place of business? Can you walk neighborhoods? Would you like to help make phone calls? WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE THIS WORK. Please consider being part of this Grass Roots effort!

WTF does your long winded comment/propaganda have to do with the topic about overpaid AG police wages?

Police officers vote of no confidence for Adam and Ferrara.

Write-in candidate to replace Ferrara…come on MF, connect the dots will you?

It’s one big incestuous cesspool in AG,

one less piece of poo doesn’t clean up the mess we’ve got,

but give us credit for trying!

MajorityFan… did you really mean to say OVERPAID Arroyo Grande Police Wages? What, are you married to Steve Adams? He is the one who got the outrageous raise. Who gets 10% raises these days?

This is what I have been saying, the solution to this puzzling mess it to FOLLOW THE MONEY.

If I’m doing this correctly, this SHOULD be the link to Jim Hill’s FB page!

Start liking and sharing..let’s get moving!

Wishing Mr. Hill and the residents of Arroyo Grande all the best. Hopefully the majority of your voters are much brighter then the ones we have in Morro Bay. We have a city full of people that BLINDLY follow our egocentric mayor, regardless of all of his inept decisions that have cost our city hundreds of thousands of dollars, and now soon to be millions when and if our new sewer plant is ever built.Given your mayor Tony is his mentor, it is not really a surprise. Just the sad reality for so many that have called Morro Bay home for a long time. Our city, under Jamies Irons, Noah Schmuckler, and Christine Johnson’s inept leadership is on its way to becoming unincorporated.

What recent history proves is that you do have voters that were, and are smart enough to at least put Dan Dow in office, as well as the new, soon to be 4th district supervisor Lynn Compton. Good luck in kicking Tony to the curb!

Too funny.

It is ironic that the AG Police’s “dedication to the City of Arroyo Grande” was what sort of bit them in the ass when the Officers “soft-shoed” the initial reports, opening the lid for the sleezeballs in the City to take a dump on them.


What a shame for OUR police dept, they get a crumb thrown their way, when they are willing to put their lives on the line for us every day of the year.

That is what is wrong with AG they are to top heavy. Here the manger gets 10.5% raise, legal council gets 3% and yet we the poor working stiffs either get laid off like park and rec people have, or they get thrown a bone.

How about we cut the raises from the top, so we can hire some more people to work in the water dept, street dept and parks and rec, where we need them.

We need JIM HILL in office so we can stop the money hemorrhage that go to those who are part of the cover up

The cream rises to the top. A little cream is great, too much is just a lot of fat!

OH I love that saying

I believe we need to take this one more step. Way too many administrators with high salaries. Then when you add in the Pensions and Benefits we have a big piece of the budget.

With this balance the budget approach, we would have not needed a police bond, a new fire tax increase ,water increase, future South County Sanitation rate increases or even extension of the new sales tax.

When you have 90% of the budget in salaries , pensions, benefits, it leaves very little funding for basic essential services !

Vote in November

Support Tax and Automatic Rate Relief Candidates

Well stated falconbh

SHAME ON YOU MAYOR AND CITY COUNSEL… Steve Adams 10% over our Police Officers.

You are disgusting. I hope the Police Officers and Families help get the word out to VOTE for Jim Hill. Its about time we get this group out of office.

League of California Cities should be proud of their new President.

Has anyone contacted the League of California Cities to ask for their comment on their fair haired boy? CCN have you contacted them for a comment?

I forwarded my last opinion piece. I have not followed up with them, but that is on my to-do list this week. I am sure that there will be very little they can say.

I feel sorry for those officers if Jim Hill is not elected as AG’s Mayor.

Things will be as uncomfortable for them as they are for the employees in City Hall who have to work with Adams.

No they will just go else where to work, and we the citizens will pay the price.

I back the BLUE always have, always will. We are going to lose some good people/officers because of politics I fear. I am not okay with that.

My brother is retired law enforcement and I know what they deal with. They need us to stand behind the ZERO CONFIDENCE, that is historic in it’s self folks. The POA does not easily do this sort of thing. WAKE UP it is time for change

The vote of no confidence is historic. We do need to back them with an equal amount of force and voice so the mayor, the council, the city manager, and city attorney will know that no one in AG is satisfied with the status quo any longer.

Since the POA voted no confidence in Tony the Mayor of Arroyo Grande can we expect a endorsement for Jim HIll?

Not soon enough!

Not a problem anymore!