Stop blaming Arroyo Grande police officers

November 27, 2014


We have a potentially paralyzing issue in Arroyo Grande that may have a significant effect on Mayor-Elect Jim Hill’s future administration and work with the council.

That issue is outgoing Mayor Tony Ferrara’s continued animosity directed at Hill and the Arroyo Grande Police Officer’s Association, as evidenced in his interview with the Tribune on Nov. 26. Ferrara is quoted saying, “A perfectly functional, ethical, and effective city council and city government has been hijacked by a rogue police union and a group of individuals with self-serving agendas.”

Commenting on Hill’s formal acceptance of mayor on Dec. 1, Ferrara said, “And in my view that is not cause for celebration or ceremony and certainly not one that I want to participate in.”

Ferrara implies he will continue to be active along with his supporters in the future.

And there lies the issue of his animosity towards the police officer association and that of certain council members, such as the princess Kristen Barneich, who was reportedly hostile to Hill supporters and the police officers’ association as exemplified by her father’s (Chuck Fellows) web site.

Further, it is reasonable to be believe Ferrara’s story line is the one he gave to the California League of Cities as an excuse for his losing its presidency.

I am frankly very uncomfortable proceeding without “smoking out” and discrediting Ferrara’s bitterness — as particularly employed against the police officers’ association.

Ferrara’s political hostility towards Hill and his supporters may be explained by the fact that some, like past mayor Mike Lady, who was no buddy of Ferrara’s, coming to his aid, because of his not liking Hill and his wife. That is an unfortunate political manifestation. This is a factor Hill and his supporters must live with.

Ferrara’s ridiculous claim there was no coverup was directly contradicted by Councilman Tim Brown’s confession at the Nov. 19 council meeting. The fact is that by Ferrara’s strong influence the council accepted the original investigation on July 8 that Adams was innocent of any infractions and confirmed that gag orders were issued to quiet the matter.

Here is the net of the issue as I see it: Should we let the issue regarding the police officers’ association stand?

There is no formal written report regarding Government Code 54957 (a law that requires must government actions be conducted openly) items to the council. There should be one.

Where Sintra orally praised the police during a council meeting, that record should be formally established that Ferrara is wrong in saying, words to the effect, that the write-in election of Hill was caused by “a rogue police union” that framed Adams indiscretion.

During the Dec. 1 council meeting confirming Hill, should we address this matter in public comment with the objective that the council should set this straight — and that those who will not — such as the Councilwoman Kristen Barneich– should resign?

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Any reason Mr. Hill could not appoint any council member as mayor pro tem? I know the post is usually rotated and Ms. Barneich is next on the list but a lot of our current problems are because business was done “as usual” thanks to Ex-mayor Ferrara. I think it’s time to stop the business as usual idea.

Let’s not forget that Tony’s crony Kristen Barneich is up for Mayor pro Tem post Monday night. While it is largely ceremonial in nature, the pro Tem job controls meetings when the mayor is not present, and it is a position of honor that this lackey does not deserve. Let’s hope the new members of the council will deprive Kristen the Tool of this assignment.

As the old mayor’s perfectly functional, ethical, and effective city council and city government has seemingly GONE WITH THE WIND….Frankly, we don’t give a damn.

This video of Tony talking to the Godfather shortly after the election….

I can honestly understand Tony not wanting to attend the Dec 1 meeting.

For him, it must be somewhat like attending his own funeral.

But I expected him to behave better.

Then again, Tony is not used to losing

so we have never gotten to see how he handles a situation such as this.

QUOTING OTIS: “Ferrara said, ‘And in my view that is not cause for celebration or ceremony and certainly not one that I want to participate in.’ ”


What a big, spoiled crybaby. I am embarrassed for him when I read the crap he publishes or says publicly for the world to see.

Ferrara cannot accept responsibility for his own actions. It is, perhaps, his greatest weakness because it drives him to do things like try to blame it on others…usually the very people he has victimized.

Ferrara has brought down retribution onto himself but—because of his weakness of character, inability to man-up and accept responsibility for the mess he created, and a unfortunate “coping mechanism” of cutting and running rather than facing the music—he will always need to throw someone under the bus.

Ferrara, has used our local officers and the POA as his excuse for much of what happened to himself. He really does not have the spine, graciousness, honesty and ethics to do anything else than throw the officers and POA under the bus.

He is probably the worst political sore loser I have ever encountered. His belief that he has the right to attack others for what he did to himself is pathological. He just does not seem to be able to accept responsibility for himself and his actions.

Doesn’t he realize that his actions after he lost the election to our new mayor, Jim Hill, make people laugh at him? He has become a public fool who others can laugh at, and he doesn’t even realize it.

To Paso_Citizen and removing Narcissists from our local system:

Michael Blank has announced his resignation rather than be fired for “discrepancies in his billing”.

Robin Hood stealing from the same till he hypocritically and narcissistically brought legal action against???

That kind of hypocosy, like Ferarra, outside of Washington, can only be found in SLO County, but things are getting better.

Attention all passengers! The Jim Hill Express Freedom train will be arriving in the station on Dec.1st. Please have your boarding passes available. Please be advised, this is a no cheating, no cover-up, no out of control, no temper tantrum, no coercion, no intimidation, refreshingly scenic, uplifting, hardworking, professional, supportive, transparent adventure ride into a bright new future.


So at 5:01pm this evening, where is the party to celebrate the end of the abuse of the taxpayers? I would say maybe it should be at Roberts or Rooster Creek and maybe we could help out the Sintra Group and find just one employee who was working the evening of July 3rd or check the register to see exactly who spent what on who much alcohol?

Hello Mayor Guthrie!

Mr. Guthrie was never mayor, he is mayor pro tem, at best that is backup mayor. And after all his complicity in the scandal, and after the ceremony on Dec 1, hopefully he will no longer be that, time for a change there too.

Someone needs to update the AG city council website.