Plans for reducing police violence

December 26, 2014


There is a deep seated crisis in the country, and a mounting uproar, about police violence in general and police shootings of unarmed civilians in particular. Some people excuse the behavior of police pretty much no matter what.

Many more people are putting forth ideas aimed at stopping extreme police violence by reforming the system of policing. Some of these Ideas are the following:

Mandating that police wear body cameras that cannot be turned off by the officer, better training for police including intense sensitivity training about communities of color and poverty, more careful selection of candidates wanting to become police weeding out through careful and intensive testing and screening interviews those prone to violence, bullying, prejudice against minorities, super macho ego trips, sociopathic acting out, and so on.

Require massive efforts to recruit minority citizens in large numbers to become police officers, to also be vetted. Careful re-writes of laws and rules about the use of force by police and the various levels of force and technologies of force to be used and under what conditions, with an emphasis on non-lethal force and non-lethal weapons technology:

Require attempts to talk situations down first. Less violent martial methods second and no choke holds, etc. No fists, pepper spray and/or stun guns, night sticks within reason.

And finally, guns should be used only as a last resort when the life of an officer is truly threatened or the officer is truly threatened with severe bodily injury.

Then strictly enforce these hierarchy-of-force rules. Establish severe penalties, including prison sentences, for cops found guilty of violating these rules/laws, especially when a killing of an unarmed person happens.

Stop supplying police departments with heavy military hardware and military training — and a military mentality.

Mandate that police officers live within the city they work in, carrying that even to the point of mandating that they live within the same area/district/precinct where they work/patrol.

Totally reform, open up, and end the secrecy of the whole grand jury system. Severely curb the wide latitude that prosecutors/district attorneys have in setting up, selecting, managing (manipulating) and using grand juries. Use blind lotteries to select grand jurors, but mandate that they be made up of proportions of people who at least roughly match the racial-ethnic-economic makeup of the community.

Establish the regular, mandated selection of independent special prosecutors for investigations and actions concerning police violence ending in death or severe injury to civilians.

No pay for cops put on suspension for unarmed civilian killings.

Legalize marijuana and decriminalize possession of other street drugs under careful regulation. Stop mass arrests and imprisonment for petty drug charges. Take the cops out of this.

End arrest quotas for federal or state subsidies of police departments. Continue the building of mass protest mobilizations and coalitions to expose and fight against all forms of police violence and brutality and all forms of oppression generally.

These are good ideas and should be implemented ASAP. There is no time to lose. But in the final analysis, a massive amount of fundamental social and cultural transformation in general is really the only way to solve police violence problems and all the social ills that lead to the atmosphere and background noise that make out-of-control police violence inevitable.

The reforms listed above are definitely part of it, without doubt. But, in my opinion, much more is needed.

In following paragraphs after that I put forward overall suggestions for comprehensive socio-economic changes. Both these lists will seem very radical to some, no doubt, but I believe that, at some point in the future of our nation, these ideas will be accepted pretty much without question. See what you think:

(1) The separation between police and the population must be dissolved. Policing duties should be spread among formal officers of the law and militias made up of qualified, carefully trained, carefully selected and even elected local citizens who patrol neighborhoods. Assisting them would be beefed up and trained neighborhood watch groups. Full and constant communication among all these allied forces must be assured. Adjunct forces should also often follow and monitor the behavior of the regular police, especially those with histories of troubled and violent relations with the community, to observe possible criminal/improper behaviors and report them/take action.

(2) All types of police and adjunct forces as above should be heavily populated with specialists in sociology, conflict resolution, social work, psychology and social psychology, social dynamics, etc. We must get away from the reality of some officers being brutal tough guys with chips on their shoulders and hiding behind badges to vent their sociopathic tendencies. We must not tolerate mindless thugs and killers in uniform who have official authority, hostile attitudes, and deadly weapons.

(3) Police and adjunct forces should be trained in less aggressive but effective forms of martial arts such as Aikido and Judo, etc., including non-lethal holds and immobilization methods.

(4) Elected civilian police review boards should be established, fully empowered to investigate, interrogate, arrest, charge, indict, detain — and fire — police officers who commit or allegedly commit crimes/offenses. These boards should also have final say about hiring police in the first place, and be completely accessible for complaints about cops from regular citizens. These boards would supersede prosecutors in these cases. No police or ex-police or any persons related to or having any historically close connection to police should be allowed on these boards.

(5) Elected community councils should be established to work with elected civilian police review boards and with all governmental bodies to oversee these matters of public safety along with issues of poverty, unemployment, family dissolution, street and other crime activities, alienated and marginalized persons, and so on.

(6) In the end, overzealous policing and violence are only surface symptoms of a society in deep socio-economic crisis, with hostility toward minority communities and the poor becoming almost inevitable on the part of the repressive forces of the ruling, mostly white, wealthy elite.

Massive efforts and legislation must be carried out and passed to, create and protect good paying jobs, public and private sector, provide free higher education and craft/trade training for those willing to work hard, supply quality affordable housing on a massive scale, establish a fully living level minimum wage, protected fully against inflation, free up and expand democratic, rank-and-file controlled unions and other forms of independent, rank-and-file controlled workers’ organizations, clean up and brighten up blighted, polluted neighborhoods, protect democratic rights and civil liberties, expand and adequately fund the legal aid and public defender system.

Think about it and you’ll see why all the above ideas have a lot to do with ending conditions that lead to police violence and a corrupt legal system. Increasing poverty and misery among masses of people leads to mass desperate behaviors and to the hardening of aggressive attitudes of police, grand juries, courts, etc. This dangerous soup lays the basis and groundwork for increasing clashes between law enforcement and communities of color and economic desperation.

On the present path, sooner or later, some persons and forces within these communities, organized and ad hoc, are going to figure that they might as well arm themselves and be ready to fight back against police in order to defend themselves and defend others. At the least, some groups in some communities will form community defense squads to follow police, and intervene — perhaps with arms in hand — if brutality and threats to life develop.

In general, these community defense forces will likely conclude that they have nothing to lose. They’ll conclude that the oppressive system is becoming increasingly violently and murderously oppressive — an actual police state. The cops are going to shoot anyway, so why not be ready to shoot back and at least go down fighting — or win and get away ?

In this context, cops perceived to be predators, and who get off Scott free, will possibly begin to be systematically hunted down and killed by citizens taking matters into their own hands. I’m not advocating this, and I know nothing of any plans of persons or groups in this regard.

I condemn such ideas and caution strongly against them. I’m simply saying that these and the other less aggressive defensive actions by communities are pretty much inevitable if things don’t change drastically — and soon. People will fight for their lives when their backs are against the wall and they see no alternative, and conclude that the system has abandoned them and is killing — executing — them routinely. It’s as simple as that. Police officers themselves have a vital interest in ending the scourge of out-of-control cops whose ruthless and dangerous actions can lead to the above virtual civil war on our streets.

We have a lot of work, soul searching, and thinking to do as a society about these issues. We have a huge amount of things that desperately need changing. Will we do it ? I don’t know. I hope so, but time will tell. It depends on you and me — and on the cops who really are dedicated to protecting and serving and not acting like a hostile, occupying army in minority, working class, and poor communities.

Jim Griffin has lived in San Luis Obispo for six years. The son of a career Air Force officer, Jim lived in many varied places growing up. Born in California but moving to Alaska at 2 1/2, back to California, to Illinois, back to Alaska, to Canada, and ending up in the Detroit area, Michigan, when he was twelve.

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REALITY, you can only run from it for so long:

“According to preliminary data compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 111 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty in 2013, an eight percent decrease from 2012, when 121 officers were killed. This was the fewest number of fatalities for the law enforcement profession since 1959 when 110 officers died. Traffic-related fatalities were the leading cause of officer fatalities in 2013, killing 46 officers.”

Most Dangerous professions:

Logging workers: 127.8

Fishermen: 117.0

Aircraft pilots: 53.4

Roofers: 40.5

Garbage collectors: 36.8

Electrical power line installation/repair: 29.8

Truck drivers: 22.8

Oil and gas extraction: 21.9

Farmers and ranchers: 21.3

Construction workers: 17.4

this is deaths per one hundred thousand. police arent even in the top ten, and if you remove traffic related fatalities, they arent even in the top one hundred.

I love the notion that they should get more training in hand to hand combat like Judo and Akido. That is so stupid. They should not have to duke it out with thugs. We don’t pay police to “fight fair”. We pay Floyd Mayweather $30 million to “fight fair”. Have you been hit in the head recently? I can kill you quite easily. Cops need to put agressors on the ground fast.

Criminals (or innocent citizens being persecuted needlessly) offer armed officers the same respect you give a Semi Truck while your crossing the road. Its not the venue to question their motives. Do that later with an attorney.

Another novel idea that addresses the “Socio-economic” roots of this problem?

Dicks stay in pants and Dads stay in homes.

You are wrong sir. In the United States of America, suspects are innocent until proven guilty. The rule of law means that ALL issues shall be decided by the COURT. In fact, it is NOT illegal to resist an unlawful arrest. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that all suspects be delivered to the court in one piece. This is especially important when the crime is against the state, and there is no victim who has filed a complaint.

So, it’s not about “fighting fair.” In fact that is not at all the issue and you are putting false arguments into people’s mouths. It is about limiting the justice that is carried out in the street.

You are right. Better to be a righteously indignant corpse. At least that cop will get what’s coming to him if you’re lucky enough to have somebody Youtube the incident. Keep fighting the power.

I, on the other hand, will continue to listen to the instructions given to me by the cop with the gun and make my case later in a less “dicey” setting. I’m not the idealist you are apparently.

Mkaney, don’t you think you should explain your statement “It is not illegal to resist an unlawful arrest”. What exactly constitutes an unlawful arrest? Also, does California law support resisting an unlawful arrest? Does present day legal and judicial practice support “resisting an unlawful arrest”?

It seems to me that the Branch Davidians thought they had the right to resist what they considered an unlawful arrest, and look what happened to them.

This issue is more complicated than just resisting arrest because you THINK it’s unlawful. In reality, doesn’t this mean you have the right in court to present your case that the arrest was unlawful after you’re finally arrested and charged with resisting arrest?

Yes, I think I should definitely put that into context because our rights to resist arrest are quite limited. The reason I bring that up at all is to make the point that, in circumstances where as an individual you KNOW that the intention of the police officer is not to enforce the law but to be malicious, for example.. an officer dragging you out of your home at night without a warrant, you have a legal right to resist arrest. It is only relevant here to illustrate why it is so important that people be delivered to the court in one piece, so that in such a situation where police officer is engaging in criminal behavior, they can’t just shoot the person and then walk because that individual was resisting arrest.

Griffin states in the opening of his statement, “There is a deep seated crisis in the country, and a mounting uproar, about police violence in general and police shootings of unarmed civilians in particular.”

That crisis is the principal thrust of a well funded minority (including anarchists) who typically resent any “power authority” in the business or governmental domains. The TV media exploits the issue. Who is behind this minority?

If you were watching the news broadcasts about the protests in New York City, you may have seen people carrying signs reflecting their beliefs. On the bottom of the signs is the name of the sponsor: See who is behind them.

Griffin’s is wrong. I stand by the police and our judicial system — particularly the police who place their lives on the line to protect us.

communist party publishing have an address in the Merchandise Mart Chicago Illinois that’s funny

The first needed change I see is an improved respect for law enforcement. When attacking a police officer, where is it required that a fist fight or some other form of body contact be required first, even if the officer feels his or her life is threatened. The public is so out of touch with reality that some think their lack of understanding equates to a free pass to damage private property as though they’re under some umbrella of a civil rights protest.

People don’t just attack police officers buddy. I don’t where this idea comes from that we have a society of people who hate cops so much that they just can’t wait to start a fight with them. That is not what is going on here. In fact, how often does this happen? Not really very common. What DOES happen is that police officers aggressively handle people and use very demeaning language, and that tends to set some people off.

The most common reaction criminals have when confronted by a police officer is to RUN, not fight.

“people don’t just attack police officers”? Sounds like an opinion rather than personal experience. As a firefighter working in a southern California county, I can assure you they do “just attack police officers”. They also attack firefighters. I’ve witnessed both scenarios numerous times in my career. Me and my crew rendered medical aid to a beaten cop or deputy many times. Have you? Most of these attacks happened after dark so I suspect you were safely tucked in bed.

As for your assertion that “the most common reaction criminals have when confronted by a police officer is to run, not fight’, you failed to mention their other reaction which is to shoot. I hate to burst your bubble, but being a cop is a very dangerous job and it’s getting more dangerous every day. Just curious, but what is your profession? I’ve identified mine so you shouldn’t be reluctant to identify yours.

Once again we have another bunch of assertions that are simply not born out by the factual information. My profession is business process automation. And that is actually quite relevant here because one of the major things I have to deal with in my work is determining what is REALLY happening as opposed to what employees perceive is happening.

Being a police officer is NOT a dangerous job. Here are the FACTS:

“According to preliminary data compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 111 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty in 2013, an eight percent decrease from 2012, when 121 officers were killed. This was thefewest number of fatalities for the law enforcement profession since 1959

when 110 officers died. Traffic-related fatalities were the leading cause of officer fatalities in 2013, killing 46 officers.”

Here are the most dangerous jobs:

Logging workers: 127.8

Fishermen: 117.0

Aircraft pilots: 53.4

Roofers: 40.5

Garbage collectors: 36.8

Electrical power line installation/repair: 29.8

Truck drivers: 22.8

Oil and gas extraction: 21.9

Farmers and ranchers: 21.3

Construction workers: 17.4

But is there really any amount of factual information that would actually change your mind?

111 police officers died in the line of duty in 2013 and yet you claim it’s not a dangerous job? How many “business process automation” employees lost their lives in the line of duty in 2013? I don’t see your profession mentioned on the list you provided.

You refer to my comments as “assertions” rather than “facts. Well, here’s a fact you can Google. There were riots in L.A. in 1992, you can even view the riots on YouTube. Me and my crew spent 3 days in the middle of those riots. The rioters never brought us plates of homemade cookies but they did manage to shoot at us. And we didn’t “perceive” that was happening, it wasproven by the bullet holes in our rig. And one LAFD firefighter was shot in the face and had to take a desk job to finish out his career. In order to obtain your desk job, were you shot in the face? Or did you just suffer numerous paper cuts?

As for your question about what would change my mind, here’s my answer. Get hired by a police agency, go through the Academy and then serve 2 years on the streets and then tell me how safe you felt because your job was “not dangerous”.

Police officers that our out there everyday on the streets put themselves in danger everyday day. Just because the rate of police officers killed in line of duty is low doesn’t show the reality of horror many experience all the time. How about responding to a call of suicide to have to physically see some poor soul with their brains blown out of their head or hanging from a tree, or maybe stoned blue and cold soul laying there from overdose. How about having to respond to all these home disputes with people involved in domestic violence, abuse, and sometimes murder. Having to pull strangers over on the road not knowing what is inside the vehicle.

Yes, some cops abuse their power, but most do not. You keep talking statistics, but the professions listed do not have to go through what police do many times in their careers. Your statistics doesn’t show Army or Marines as profession as well or Military in general, so that makes me wonder a little too

Their is a deeper problem in our society these days and it’s people do not respect authority or even each other. Our society has lost many of it’s values and morals it once cherished. Many have lost their faith as well..

Police should not get a green light on this as well and need to get back to the philosophy of community oriented policing (COPS) and do away with the old style of militant constable on patrol style (COPS)

Most people become police officers because they care about people and their society but the elements of their jobs can slowly change them.

Very well written. While I do not agree with everything in entirety, you make some very good points.

I do think that the good cops outweigh the bad cops, but they have to police themselves.

They should adopt a ‘code of ethics’ like the AMA has for doctors. They don’t tolerate their bad doctors …not for very long.

Even morticians have a similar professional code …and they deal with dead people !

If the police and other LE’s did this in their profession, it would go a long way to breaking this ‘us versus them’ attitude so prevalent that alienates these servants from their communities.

One change I would like to see just for starters although superficial.

With exception to the military, all LE should be called Safety Officers.

Example, Highway Safety Officer, County Safety Officer, SLO Safety Officer.

Or simply Public Safety Officer vs Police, with fitting matching cars, uniform.

Firearms, Tasers, Mace not visible unless responding to potential or clear need for prepared necessary type of force needed..

You respond to a burglary call at a store at 3am when most of the citizens are safely asleep in their beds. Suddenly someone steps out of a dark doorway with something in his hands and points it at you when you yell “freeze police”. BOOM you’re dead because you hesitated that fraction of a second because you were worried about being judged by idiots like the author of this article. I’m sorry for your family. RIP

willieslo says:

12/28/2014 at 8:20 pm

Jon Tatro says: 12/28/2014 at 6:41 pm

Suddenly someone steps out of a dark doorway with something in his hands and points it at you when you yell “freeze police”. BOOM you’re dead.

The likes of you are the problem, not the solution

Never apply to be a cop.

You know what seems to be a big problem in this country? Literacy. “unless responding to potential or clear need for prepared necessary type of force needed..”

The fact is that some of you have so little interest in anything other than blind allegiance that you have no respect for anyone’s opinion. You don’t read what is written and respond to it. You just immediately start babbling about some anecdotal situation that doesn’t even generally reflect factual reality.

You are not rational when you act like that, you are insane.

Rome fell based on one single premise

The lies failed to overcome reality

Why do people commit crime? Why are blacks statistically more likely to commit crime? Is it due to some sort of genetic inferiority, or is something more systemic at work? Maybe they are just born bad, but it has been my experience that human nature is predictably similar across the board, and outcomes are owed to the institutions we have in place to guide our behavior. We can go to war with each other and insist that truth and faults aren’t scattered on both sides of the fence, but a divided house is unlikely to find genuine solutions to problems. We need to discover the ultimate causes of our failures, and avoid violence at all costs. For the sake of American progress it is important that we are on the right side of history on this one.

America is on the WRONG side of everything human and civilized, because we are a nation of imbeciles.

Not merely STUPID, but fantastically brutal and genocidic morons.

THAT is who we live with, and have to deal with on a daily basis.

KNOW your enemy …and the enemy surrounds any of rational thought.

They did that, and still do, The fascists would kill you, me, and anyone else that would get in their way.

They post it here on a daily basis..

Don’t fool yourself. The shade tree ‘conservatives’ that post here are nothing but shrouded Nazi’s, trying to hide their evil proclivities from themselves, their neighbors, and the world.

Mere pretenders.

They’re cowards, but they proliferate when given a forum.

To your dismay, they’ve chosen CCN to infect.

Do you act like responsible journalists ?

Ah , that’s the rub.

It takes someone else to boldly ring the bell and call out the traitors amongst us !

My Dad let surrendering Nazi soldiers be taken prisoner without recourse.

Then his recon unit was one of the first to find the Malmedy massacre.

No Nazi soldier after that was taken prisoner. All were dispatched on site.

These supposed ‘conservatives’ are enemies and traitors within.

Will we be smart and brave enough to do away with our own Nazi’s .


So you are insinuating that people with conservative views are NAZIS or fascist and should be killed without recourse. You are a sad pitiful person. If your father and his unit shot and killed surrendering German soldiers that was war crimes regardless if you agree with it or not.

I do not agree with liberals and socialism to the full extent, but I am proud to see them share their freedom and rights and enjoy watching them using their right to vote, So why are some people like you so hateful of others who do not share your beliefs? You need God in your life my friend and will pray for you.

The lessons of history are replete …and they’re not ancient history.

It is for a civilized people to reject nationalism, super-patriotism, and a police state; and to marginalize those that would wish for such and to prevent them from holding any positions of power or authority anywhere.

If this nation ignores this, then it will need a lot more than God and prayers.

No Nazi soldier after that was taken prisoner. All were dispatched on site.

These supposed ‘conservatives’ are enemies and traitors within.

Will we be smart and brave enough to do away with our own Nazi’s .


Do you realize your 1st amendment right might not apply to what you just said? You are inciting hate and violence and murder with your suggestive thought and could be breaking the law right now.

I hope you are banned from this site for what you are writing and suggesting. or implying.

Looking in the mirror, are you?

Sounds to me, people with beliefs similar to yours are the problem.

Haha wow I can’t believe you went there Slowerfaster but I’m really glad you did. Sometimes it just needs to be said. We really do live in a country full of people that have no interest in truth at all, they are incredibly violent and ignorant and then accuse everyone they kill of being those things.

Sounds great, but what is your conclusion?

Point a Gun at a Cop….

Then don’t come cry’in to me.

Oh…wait…this was another Bad Cop right…ha ha ha

Time for some levity:

Check out the numerous Lenny Bruce youtubes on cops …what he calls ‘rotten’ cops.

Sarah Silverman on ‘race coding’.

Tom Lehrer: “I Wanna Go Back to Dixie” :

Michael Brown and Lenny Bruce have something in common. their dead bodies were left out on display for quite some time behind the police line perhaps as a courtesy for photographers perhaps has her example for residents