SLO judge appointed to California appellate court

December 24, 2015

CaliforniaCourtsCalifornia Governor Jerry Brown has appointed San Luis Obispo Judge Martin Tangeman to a state appellate court.

Tangeman, a 62-year-old resident of Cambria, was awarded the role of associate justice of the Second District Court of Appeal, according to a governor’s office news release. Brown appointed Tangeman to the Divison 6 branch of the appellate court, which is located in Ventura.

The Commission on Judicial Appointments must still confirm Tangeman’s appointment for it to take effect. State Attorney General Kamala Harris is a member of the three-person commission.

Like Brown and Harris, Tangeman is a Democrat.

Tangeman has served as a San Luis Obispo Superior Court Judge since 2001. Previously, he worked as a partner at Sinsheimer, Schiebelhut and Baggett from 1982 to 2001 and as an associate with Ogle, Gallo and Merzon from 1978 to 1982.

The judge earned his law degree from the University of California Hastings College of the Law.

Last month, San Luis Obispo Superior Court judges voted unanimously to elect Tangeman presiding judge. His two-year term was due to begin on Jan. 1. Judge Barry LaBarbera was elected assistant presiding judge.

As a San Luis Obispo judge, Tangeman ruled against the Coalition of Labor, Agriculture and Business’s (COLAB) legal challenge to SLO County smart-growth policies. The 2nd District Court of Appeals later upheld Tangeman’s ruling the county did not need to prepare an environmental impact report when adopting its smart-growth policies.

When Tangeman joins the 2nd District appellate court his yearly compensation will be $211,330, according to the governor’s office news release.

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As I recall, Tangeman was joked about being a one client lawyer, Alex Madonna, so go figure his insensitive stance towards COLAB? I can only well wish anyone who has been promoted, the hope is that his memory will serve him well for the benefit of others who through hard work and sacrifices move upward too.

i bet he will never instruct a jury about their right to jury nullification. Our last bastion to an oppressive government.

This is a well-deserved appointment. Judge Tangeman will be an excellent Court of Appeal Justice.

A true accomplishment, the experience would, however, be enhanced by a picture of our newest Justice.

The best Judge in the SLO courthouse. Unfortunately there are 4 Judges there that are totally inept. The appointments in the last few years have been dismal.

Did one of them get arrested for DUI 20 years ago?

The judge of whom you speak is actually one of the better judges in the courthouse.

C’mon, it was 20 years ago, he was coming home from a wedding and was under the limit.

Overly zealous DA in Santa Maria. Plea to reduced charges, end of story…If it wasn’t the end of the story, there would be another story.

Of course he is a Democrat they must keep their cronies well stocked with $ to support their running the state into financial ruin.

Let’s see….which governor ran up our state debt? That would be Arnold Schwarzenegger.

And who has taken major steps to balance the state budget? That would be Jerry Brown.

You mean the guy that wants to have the train to nowhere as his legacy, or the one that uses state offices to explore oil reserves.