Adam the arrogant

October 29, 2016
T. Keith Gurnee

T. Keith Gurnee


Just when I thought I had heard everything I could about San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill, up pops another one… and a big one! The latest CCN revelations about his attempted pay-to-play shakedown of the Home Builders Association of the Central Coast (which was thankfully rebuffed by the organization) is nothing less than astounding.

Just think about this latest strong-arm tactic he has resorted to:

·  First Hill complains that the organization donated equal amounts to him and his opponent Dan Carpenter, thereby infuriating him because of his close association with two of the biggest developers and members of the organization– not to mention his biggest contributors in San Luis Obispo County– Gary Grossman and Angelo Mangano.

·  Then Hill refuses to meet with the Government Affairs Committee of the organization because it failed to contribute more money to his campaign despite his demands to do so.

·  Then he threatens the organization that he would target those project sponsors who did not contribute enough to his campaign during supervisor hearings, and that he would “appoint a new Planning Commissioner who would oppose new housing.” Whoa!

·  Hill then asks certain members of the organization to fire its Executive Director Jeff Eckles, to terminate their membership of the association, and asks them to send him more money for his political campaign.

How can Hill get away with this? Has he no shame? Has he no sense of decency?

How can those who have even been his supporters tolerate this behavior? If this is not an act of political extortion, I don’t know what is. Where is the District Attorney or the County Counsel’s office? What will be the next shoe to drop?

To Jeff Eckles and his board, thank you for standing up and showing the type of political courage for refusing to buckle under to the power that this belligerent bully is so determined to hold onto. The amount of your donation to Dan Carpenter should put an exclamation point on your refusal to abide by this pay-to-play scheme.

To Hill’s henchman Tom Fulks and the San Luis Obispo Tribune, both of whom have endorsed Adam Hill so far, are you listening to this? Is this the type of person you are really recommending that we vote for as elected officials? Would you really foist such a troubled individual upon the electorate of this county? Please search your souls, think again, and consider retracting your previous endorsements that reflect so poorly upon you.

And finally to Dan Carpenter, you owe a huge debt of gratitude to your opponent Adam Hill for giving you the ammunition you need to defeat him. Just do it.

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I think it is very obvious that it is time for Adam Hill to go.

We must also reject the ilk of Adam Hill, so DO NOT support Caren Ray, Kristian Barneich, John Shoals, Erik Howell, Jamie Irons or Richard Waller.

Together we can insure that Southern San Luis Obispo County remains the gem of the Central Coast.

Please vote on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th.

Just saying,


Dear Mr. Gurnee,

Could you kindly state the sources/references for the four bullets in your opinion piece describing Mr. Hill’s behavior?

The CCN already stated them in an earlier article…

The Home Builders Association and the Government Affairs Committee saw Adam’s latest campaign ad and finally said…ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Why won’t Mecham, Compton and Arnold speak up? This is hardly the first time their colleague has acted like this.

Why don’t the other supervisors (not Gibson of course) publically censure the Lil’ Bully? Are they intimidated? Cowardly? Uninterested?

Enough is enough. Fire Adam Hill. Please!

The Tribune publisher has long made a decision to become part of the Democrat Action Committee. Thus it will hide and obfuscate all negative and publicize all positive for their chosen. That’s fine if it’s part of a PAC. But this PAC enjoys special constitutional privileges which should be revoked.

You are correct about the Tribune. However, it would be wrong to modify the freedom of the press provisions enshrined in the Constitution. That would come back to haunt us all.

The way to fight the Tribune is to not purchase the paper and to talk with every advertiser with whom you do business telling them that their support of the paper is unacceptable and you will find an alternative provider of the goods or services they provide to you.

The State Attorney General needs to set up shop in San Luis Obispo County. It seems that almost every city and the county has it’s share of devious people who hold office. Some are just flat breaking the law while others are as unethical as it gets. Everyone talks about complaining to the FPPC but they really do nothing but monitor campaign funding. Dan Dow is a good man although I think that an outside agency needs to come SLO and finally start to clean house. Although we can stay ahead of them and help out be first voting for Dan Carpenter and Nicholas Mattson. That would be a very good start.

Where is the Tribune in all of this Hill news? The paper endorsed him and now not a single word about his conduct….the Tribune management should be ashamed of themselves.

Actually, we need a new print voice in this county….maybe it will come to pass that another publication will take over and we’ll see this rag disappear.

Do you have some wealthy friends that are interested in the newspaper game? If not, it’s extremely unlikely, in this atmosphere of declining readership, that any fool would waste their money on such an enterprise. I think very little of millennials, the most pampered collection of whiners of any generation. But even millennials are bright enough to figure out that a business plan that starts with planting tons of trees for future harvest, harvesting the trees, grinding them up for the pulp, using nasty chemicals to bleach the paper, gallons of GMO soy ink the create the print, thousands of gallons of gasoline to distribute said newspaper, isn’t a viable plan for the future. GET WITH LIFE!

Hell, if they are not ashamed of their PLUMMET in readership / subscriptions, then this will be nothing for them to be ashamed of!

I just don’t understand how or why Mr. Hill is allowed to use his position, which us taxpayers fund, to garner contributions for his political campaign with his bullying. Is this not illegal? If only 80% of what I’ve read about Mr. Hill is true, why would anyone vote for or want him representing them…unless their are political favors awaiting them. Students are expelled from school for bullying so I’d like to suggest Mr. Hill, “the bully,” be removed from his position. Let’s remember, bullying leaves lifelong scars.


I think nearly all of us now realize it is time for Adam Hill to go, and his please for reelection will go unfulfilled as more people realize that we have a criminal-type representing us on the SLO County Board of Supervisors.

We must also refuse to elect the ilk of Adam Hill, people like Caren Ray and Kristen Barneich, John Shoals, Bruce Gibson, and Erik Howell. In each case, these politicians chose to sell their vote to developers and they are not fit for public office.

Please vote on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th.

Just saying,


Don’t forget Jamie Irons, the current mayor of Morro Bay!