SLO County Sheriff’s deputy sideswiped a parked car before crash

January 6, 2021


A San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s deputy sideswiped a parked car before crashing into a tree in Grover Beach on Tuesday.

The deputy was driving on Oak Park Boulevard towards Capistrano Court when he sideswiped a parked Ford Crown Victoria, according to the CHP. The deputy then accelerated, went though the Capistrano Court intersection, veered off the road, crashed through a fence, knocked two patio support beams down and slammed into a palm tree near the intersection of La Jolla Court, said a local business owner who witnessed the accident. The witness asked that his name not be publicized.

The business owner then called 911 while several men ran from their homes to assist the deputy.

One neighbor partially opened the deputy’s door, and told him they were getting help. At first the deputy was dazed, and then began pounding his fist on the steering wheel and yelling, “f**k, f**ck, f**k,” resident Eduardo Cavasos said.

One of the men attempting to assist the deputy told the others that he smelled alcohol on the deputy’s breath, the witness said. A concerned neighbor informed a sheriff’s investigator, who was one of more than a dozen emergency responders on the scene, of their suspicion. The investigator insisted the deputy had not been drinking, according to the neighbor.

Emergency personnel transported the deputy to a hospital before CHP officers took over the investigation. Noting no signs of intoxication, the CHP officers did not request a blood alcohol test, CHP Officer Mike Poelking said.

The investigation is ongoing.

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Sure sounds like a DUI accident – sideswipe a car, jump the curb, crash through a fence, crash through a house and then a tree. Yup, sure sounds like a DUI crash.

We’ll probably never know.

I remember when two deputies took some homeless guy all the way to Gorda, dropped him off, then he got drunk, got naked and tried to rob the Gorda Store at knife point, and the deputies had to rush back there and arrest him, in another county.

And wasn’t there a deputy who was arrested for beating up his wife in Los Osos?

Never heard anything about these cases after the initial hullabaloo.

Texting while driving is dangerous…

Well, doesn’t this epitomize this rotting county?

So – running from the scene of an accident – which I believe is a crime and then crashing into a tree – unprovoked and no drug/alcohol test? Not a good look for law enforcement.

The questions are would a non LEO if involved in this kind of accident not at least have their blood drawn for a later BAC test and have their cell phone log pulled?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but in the instance where witnesses smelled alcohol on any civilian who was in a crash under identical circumstances, would it not be SOP to test for alcohol? Likely a full toxicology screen? But the minute one of their own shows up to the investigation, that is immediately off the table. Sorry, this smells really bad. There should be the same standard for all of us, perhaps even a stricter one for someone paid to enforce the law.

On my Job,

If I hurt myself or Someone else, or Damage Equipment.

I would be tested, For Cause.

Seems like it should be the Case here,

On the job,in uniform, multiple vehicles involved.

No Brainer!

Maybe alcohol, could be a subscribed medication problem or a mental health breakdown or even a seizure:(

The question is, when a individual is a danger to himself or others, how is it normally handled, and is it handled differently if he’s a police officer?

One of the theme’s of all these Summer protest’s were, do the police police themselves effectively, how this is handled sets the tone throughout the law enforcement community as well the public trust!!!

Wait, doesn’t CHP owe the Sheriff’s office one over that one drunk lieutenant up in North County awhile back?

How often do we see drunk driver hit not one but, two things before coming to a stop? Can’t wait for the truth to creep out on this one.

Get ’em Karen!! :)

Probably going to be waiting a long time (forever) for the “truth to creep out on this one.” They didn’t even draw blood. They aren’t even looking for the truth.

I hope this deputy’s name remains unknown unless he is charged for a crime.

News alert, traffic accident on a public road, PUBLIC. Police are NOT above the law. France loves to conceal police identity, they can retaliate, rape, and kill us, god forbid we hold them accountable. If this was that Sherriff fault due to negligence, they better pay for the money and damage THEY caused. He was out of the ER same day, the Child with a gun is fine. Cops get away with WAY too much, as any rational, god fearing person knows.