LAFCO to appoint Arroyo Grande director to its top spot

April 12, 2021


The San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) has selected Arroyo Grande’s new Community Development Department Director Robert Fitzroy to be its top executive. The LAFCO Commission will consider formally hiring Fitzroy at a meeting on Thursday.

Fitzroy previously worked for SLO County, filling several planning department roles, the last of which was assistant director. Fitzroy left the county for his job in Arroyo Grande two months ago, following an accusation in a whistleblower complaint that he agreed to waive thousands of dollars in fees for a development project.

Prior to his work for the county, Fitzroy was employed by Rincon Consultants as a planning and environmental impact consultant.

LAFCO plans to pay Fitzroy $253,138 annually in salary and benefits, according to a LAFCO staff report.

After former LAFCO executive officer Michael Prater took a job in Santa Barbara late last year, the commission hired David Church to serve as LAFCO’s interim executive officer.

Fitzroy graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a bachelor’s degree and he also has masters in natural resource management and environmental planning and public policy.

If the commissioners vote to approve him, Fitzroy is expected to begin work as the LAFCO executive officer on May 24.

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What a joke – In the private sector with similar responsibilities and experience, that is an 80k – 100k job.

Get rich son – go to work for the government

LMAO! what the heck is a “Local Agency Formation Commission” and 250k? well, must be time for another tax increase. only the brightest and the best.

It’s a Calif gov’t thing, every county has one.

“Local Agency Formation Commissions or LAFCOs are regional service planning agencies of the State of California. LAFCOs are located in all 58 counties and exercise regulatory and planning powers in step with their prescribed directive to oversee the establishment, expansion, governance, and dissolution of local government agencies and their municipal service areas to meet current and future community needs. LAFCOs were established in 1963 and administer a section of California planning law now known as the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2001. ”

Gotta share the tax pot lest folks become dissatisfied /sarc

and he left SLO 2 months ago(!) under a cloud of shady dealings. yup, the fox is guarding the hen house. seriously, at some point don’t we wake up and ask WTF are we doing?

Sounds like a group of administrators to administer the other administrators? How could we possible survive without all 58?