Robber fires shot inside gas station in Paso Robles

November 25, 2021

Richard Garcia


A robber fired a shot into a wall behind a clerk at the Chevron gas station on Ramada Drive early Thursday morning. The suspect then fled with an unreported amount of cash.

Three hours earlier, on Wednesday shortly after 10 p.m., an armed man attempted to rob the Carl’s Jr. on Black Oak Drive on the north side of Paso Robles. The suspect then fled the restaurant without getting an cash.

At approximately 1:30 a.m. on Thursday, a caller reported the robbery at the Chevron station on the south side of Paso Robles. During the robbery, the suspect fired one shot into the wall behind the employee.

Shortly afterwards, an officer located a BMW matching the description of the getaway vehicle on the north side of Paso Robles. Upon seeing the officer, the driver of the BMW fled west on 24th street, with law enforcement in pursuit.

Deputies and officers pursued the vehicle all the way to the Lake Nacimiento Dam, where the suspect jumped from his vehicle and fled on foot towards the lake.

Officers determined 29-year-old Richard Garcia of Paso Robles is a person of interest in the second robbery. Investigators do not yet know if the two robberies are connected.

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The Police have identified him as a person of interest. It looks like a prior arrest photo. Most likely due to his past violent and cowardly acts of criminal activity that is similar. Not surprising. I hope he’s caught, convicted and locked up for a long time.

I always wonder what causes the criminals desperation to throw any empathy out the window, usually drugs and poverty; and the most important issue here is that employee going to get paid leave for suffering a near death tragedy? Why does Paso have these problems yet Billionaires running wineries? Google journal would say with giant wealth gaps cause these EXACT issues.

Let’s not overlook personal responsibility and choices.

It’s not someone else’s fault.

What? So, it’s the so-called billionaire’s running the wineries and the giant wealth gap between him and them that made this coward rob and shoot up a convenience store? Really?

I would think the most important issue for the employee is that this habitual criminal is caught, prosecuted, and sent to prison for a long time, so he can’t rob or threaten the lives of people just doing their job. This guy is the cause, nobody else.

Regrettably these kinds of robberies are all too common and occur in inner cities, suburbs, small towns – everywhere. They are crimes of opportunity. It has nothing to do with wineries or gazillionaires. Thieves see a perceived easy target and go for it.

Could the robber maybe, just possibly, have been aiming at the clerk but missed? The suspect should be charged with attempted murder (in my opinion) along with a slew of other charges. And maybe that clerk might want to look for a safer job!