Who is SLO County’s District 2 supervisor candidate Bruce Jones?

March 12, 2022

Dr. Bruce Jones


I am Dr. Bruce Jones, a retired orthopedic surgeon, running for SLO County District 2 Supervisor.

I believe in the American dream. As a young man, I dreamed of becoming a doctor. No one in my family had even been to college. I worked my way through college and medical school as a construction carpenter.

Throughout my medical career, I was part of several medical missions to nations with inadequate medical resources. I am most pleased with the five missions to Peru I did with the Peruvian American Medical Society. Before each mission we spent several months gathering equipment and supplies donated by hospitals, vendors and others.  During the mission, I worked teaching local surgeons how to use what we had brought them. After the mission, these local doctors had the equipment, supplies and know-how to continue providing these services for their communities.

My life experiences have prepared me to be a supervisor. Serving more than three years on the Templeton Area Advisory Group (TAAG), two years as the TAAG Chair, has given me many opportunities to talk with home owners, business owners, farmers and ranchers about their concerns. It has also given me experience in dealing with SLO County ordinances and procedures.

As a member of the board of a non-profit hospital that served a population larger than the total population of SLO County, I evaluated solutions for the medical care of that community and made difficult budget decisions for an organization with more employees than our county government.

As a physician on the Board of Supervisors, I will be able to ask appropriate questions and interpret data presented by the Health Department. Now that the Board of Supervisors has regained its emergency authority for health care issues, my input will be essential. My medical training will be a valuable asset to important boards such as Mental Health and Cen Cal.

What I will do in office:

·       Work to clean up the corruption

·       Promote a more efficient and fair permitting process

·       Support parents’ right to make medical decisions for their children

·       Stand by the 80% of residents who voted to protect their water rights

·       Support increasing the number of deputies in District 2

·       Bring honesty and integrity back to the District 2 supervisor seat

Three generations of my family now live in District 2, and I care deeply about what happens here. Our county is a beautiful place to live, with rolling hills, seashore and woodlands. I want to preserve these resources for future generations.

Checkout out my website.

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transparency is a great start… so start now

If all three candidates stay in the race against Gibson…that will insure Bruce gets re-elected to the District 2 seat

Cleaning up corruption is one of my biggest priorities, medical choice comes in a close second! Love to see a candidate that has his priorities straight.

At this point, I would take Mr. Jones over Auslen by a country mile especially knowing that Auslens’ wife is part of the SLO Progressives. I hear that there is a third person running against Brucey boy that will also be a much better Supervisor for the 2nd District. I look forward to hearing more about this third man that was just certified on Thursday. Maybe CCN will run his profile if and when received. No matter what, Bruce is going to be gone.

I agree with “Phoenix.rising.” We really needed you about two years ago as the Democrats were imposing upon us “15 years to stop the spread.” Luckily it was realized that the ultimate cure for the pandemic, the one thing that proved more effective than any mask mandate, lockdown, or vaccine, was mid-term elections. Once Democrats started seeing negative poll numbers, the pandemic disappeared as quickly as it came on. So yes, I like Dr. Bruce thus far. Finally, the Board Of Supervisors may have someone on board who represents REAL science.

There are 4 people running in this race. WOW! So how does one select the best? After evaluating John, Goeff and Gibson, I too am recommending Dr. Bruce. He has not been a career elected person that acts like a dictator instead Dr. Bruce had to put his patients first. What a concept. I think he will be able to translate that to putting the voters first instead of backroom deals!

After looking at all the candidates that qualified for District 2 Supervisor I was surprised to see what you bring to this county. We had COVID and so much frustration as to what the right thing to do was. So many of us in this county felt that we were not heard and that hysteria ruled. Your medical background and difficult decisions you have made over a lifetime fully qualifies you in my book.

District 2 deserves a man of the people – THE BETTER BRUCE brings.

Goodbye Gibson you have lorded over this county for far too long.

Dr. Bruce you have my sincere appreciation for stepping up and challenging one of the most dictatorial Supervisors. I look forward to your influence, leadership and accomplishments on the Board of Supervisors 2022.