SLO County air district cancels meeting, failed to post agenda

May 16, 2023


The San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District canceled its May 17 board meeting after CalCoastNews discovered the posting of the meeting agenda did not comply with the Brown Act.

The Ralph M. Brown Act requires that government agencies physically post and electronically post agendas a minimum of 72-hours before upcoming regular meetings. The act guarantees the public the right to attend and participate in meetings of legislative bodies, and to have forewarning of discussion items through posted agendas.

The last day the air district could have legally posted the agenda was May 14, in order to have it up 72-hours before the meeting. In this case, the agenda was posted Tuesday morning.

In this case, technical issue with the link to the SLO County Granicus system caused the error, said Gary Willey, the air district’s officer. Willey rescheduled the board meeting for June 1.
