SLO police cite 15 people during bicycle and pedestrian safety operation

June 13, 2023


The San Luis Obispo Police Department issued 15 citations to drivers for a variety of violations during a bicycle and pedestrian safety operation on June 8.

These violations include:

Stop sign violation, failing to take the bike lane before a right-hand turn, bicycles riding the wrong way against traffic and failing to yield the right of way at a stop sign for oncoming traffic.

“Safety is a shared responsibility, with drivers holding the greatest responsibility to keep other road users safe,” Sgt. Evan Stradley said. “We hope this operation serves as a reminder to everyone to practice due care and to look out for one another.”

The department will hold another bicycle and pedestrian safety operation on June 17 and June 18.

Funding for these program was provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Hmmm… guess they found a way to pay for all of that green paint.

You know, a community is in trouble when a large portion of that community decides that they hate people who ride bikes and want to do everything they can to make sure that automobiles are given priority. The next thing we know, these people will be complaining about children on tricycles.

What the heck is wrong with people? we should show gratitude to people who choose to ride bicycles instead of automobiles. Bicycles are one of the most awesome inventions known to man. Certainly one of the most efficient.