Caltrans lowering speed limit on Highway 101 north of San Miguel

August 21, 2023


Caltrans plans to lower the speed limit from 70 mph to 65 mph on Aug. 27 on a portion of Highway 101 between San Miguel and King City.

Data provided by the California Highway Patrol shows high fatality rates on the stretch of highway. In addition, the King City CHP reported that 71% of the tickets they give for driving over 100 mph occur in this corridor.

New maximum speed signs will be installed on Aug. 25.

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I had to chuckle when I read this article while up visiting family on the Pennisula,a drive I’ve made alot over the past 40 plus years.It’s for the most part a long flat stretch of highway that people have always driven over the 70 and if they truly wanted people to slow down they could send an CHP patrol car or two to drive the loop between King City and San Miguel,that would slow some them down but there are some that will always push it and drive over the posted speed limit.

Sounds like the general consensus is they need to UP the speed limit. Taker her to 75!

Doubt if people that drive 100mph are looking at speed limit signs. Caltrans time would be better spent on getting the rest stops reopened that the taxpayers just spent millions of dollars redoing.

Lowering the speed limit will result in more tickets… more frustrated drivers… and more crashes… Well done Caltrans, well done. :/

So people who drive over 100 mph on a road with a 70 mph speed limit are going to be concerned and what drop to 95 mph when the speed limit is lowered to 65 mph? More Government logic. This is more likely to effect those that say drive 5 to 10 mph over the current limit and will have little impact on those that drive 100 mph+. Seems more like another money grab by the government.

Yes this is a great stretch of highway to write tickets and the expensive rest stops are still closed. Most zip along at 80 so I expect this to become a very lucrative section of highway. I know this because I’d set my cruise control for 70 and routinely get passed by those traveling at a much faster speed. Again 69 will become again the magic number for negotiating, 101.