More than 1,500 customers lose power in Arroyo Grande, fire reported

August 6, 2023


More than 1,500 PG&E customers lost power in Arroyo Grande and the Hausna area on Sunday morning.

At 10:40 a.m., 1,502 PG&E customers on the east side of Arroyo Grande through the Hausna area lost power. PG&E estimates the power will be restored by 2:30 p.m. The cause of the outage remains under investigation.

Shortly after the power went out, a caller reported a brush fire burning at 2,000 Lopez Drive in Rural Arroyo Grande, in the area of the power outage.

Even though firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze, crews remain at the scene to watch for hot spots.

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Why don’t you print a follow up on what the cause of these outages were. You would probably see it’s the new sensors that they put to shut the power off if a problem like a bird sh—ing on the line as the sensors are to sensitive. PG&E has taken a page from the Government play book where they keep charging more giving you less and say it’s all better for you NOT !!!

If there is a qualified outage, I wonder if those PG$E customers know that they can be refunded for the spoiled food?