Morro Bay City Council votes to raise garbage rates by 38%

October 12, 2023


The Morro Bay City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday to raise garbage rates by 38.58%. City residents have already seen hikes in water, sewer, gas and electric bills.

Morro Bay rate payers had 45 days to send in written letters protesting the rate increase. If a majority of rate payers – 2,680 – had submitted a written protest before the hearing, the rates would not go up.

However, only 723 residents sent in written protest letters.

Countywide, multiple garbage companies have requested rate increases because of new requirements to process food waste, higher gas prices and other increasing costs. Garbage companies are restricted to a 7% profit for their services.

In order to cover a nearly $1 million shortfall, Morro Bay Garbage Service is requesting an increase of 38.58% for the first nine months of the rate hike. The rate of increase will then drop to 20.20%.

City staff determined the cost to the city for its trash collection use would increase by $48,000 for fiscal year 2023-2024. However, as the city collects a 10% franchise fee, it would collect an extra $92,000 for fiscal year 2023-2024, showing an increased profit of $44,000.

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When Waste Connections, who already owned Cold Canyon Landfill, bought out Chicago Grade Landfill in Atascadero they became a Monopoly garbage collector in this County!

As Bachman–Turner Overdrive sang,

You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet!!!

Monopoly collector along with forced customers. First allow households to decide if they even want service and provide alternative service, pickup once a week, every other week, once a month. Allow two households to combine service, using a single container, or suspend service while out of town. Several other ways to reduce costs but lets start here.

Don’t be surprised…. those trucks don’t run on a hope and a prayer… they need fuel… very expensive fuel… this is why you don’t curtail drilling and refining…. I hope this teaches a long over due lesson to the people of our county…

Simple fix, swiched to electric powered trucks, that will solve everything.

I assume that you are being sarcastic. The labor costs of having the trucks needing to be charged and recharged will be even more expensive. Wait,, we can force every house to have an EV charger—-now that WILL SOLVE EVERYTHING!

Yes, sorry, sarcasm hat off.

I’m getting tired of holding my nose every time there’s a rate increase!

For every dollar collected, it would be interesting to know how many get paid and what their part of the dollar is theirs. The city gets .10 for a franchise fee, etc. ?

They have to raise rates to pay the council & supervisers who got paid for votes.

Supervisors make around $100 K + a year wages and benefits. council members in the county make approx. $500-$1000 a month for many hours served, hardly the same.

This week, the SLO County Board of Supervisors voted to give themselves a 26% raise over the next few years.

Right now, SLO County supervisors make about $90,000 a year. They’re now planned to make about $114,000 a year by 2025.