Man convicted of sexually abusing four children

December 21, 2023


A jury has found a 43-year-old man guilty of sexually abusing four children in San Luis Obispo County.

Edgar Nolverto Guevara abused four victims under the age of 14 between 2004 and 2022, according to the SLO County District Attorney’s Office. During his trial, jurors heard from the four victims, as well as from law enforcement personnel and other witnesses. 

The jury convicted Guevara of 11 counts of child molestation and eight counts of forced sex acts. Jurors also found true that Guevara was convicted of criminal threats in 2001, and they received evidence that he was convicted in 2007 of committing a sex crime on a person under the age of 18.

Guevara faces a maximum sentence of life in prison. His sentencing is scheduled for Jan. 23. 

“For years this defendant used manipulation, force and fear to sexually assault four children. Today, he got what he deserved,” Deputy District Attorney Danielle Baker said in a statement. “Each of the young survivors overcame unique challenges to report and testify against their abuser and we are so grateful for their bravery.”

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Mark my words – he will never serve life in prison but will get out when he is a dirty old man. Senior prisoners are often released under new state laws. But that assumes he lives that long in prison. Prisoners hate child molesters because they often have children themselves and don’t want their kids molested ever, especially when they are behind bars and can’t personally protect them.

We’ve got to find a way to intercept this sort of evil psychopathy before the hurt and damage is done to innocent children. Life in prison seems too little too late after 18 years of inflicting abuse on his victims.