This week’s San Luis Obispo County government meetings

February 19, 2024

By CalCoastNews staff

The San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission will meet at 9 a.m. on Feb. 22 at the county building.

A holiday favorite, the Cambria Christmas Market is seeking a new temporary event program permit. In the past, the market located at the Cambria Pines Lodge operated under eight-year-permits, with 26 vendor booths, from Black Friday through Christmas Eve.

Under Item 3 on the agenda, the planning commission will consider a request for a new temporary event program permit to allow the Cambria Christmas Market to operate for up to 15 holiday seasons with up to 46 vendor booths. In addition, the owners of the market are seeking to extend the times of operation from Black Friday through New Years Eve.

If approved, the permit will also allow the owners to erect four temporary canopy covers for outdoor seating and dining purposes. The maximum attendance will be limited to not more than 3,000 guests per night.

Under item 7, the commission will consider a request by Robert Hather for approval of a tract map, development plan and coastal development permit to subdivide a 1.12-acre parcel into 15 parcels ranging in size from 1,950 to 2,006 square feet. The project, located on Avonne Avenue in San Simeon, also includes plans for a 19,274 square foot common parcel.

If approved, parcels would include construction of one single-family residence with shared walls and attached garages for the purpose of resale or development.

In May 2022, the San Simeon Community Services District agreed to settle lawsuits in both state and federal court regarding the district’s refusal to provide a water hookup to a Hather. For nearly 20 years, Hather worked to build affordable housing on the parcel but was denied a water hookup. Planning department staff is recommending commissioners deny the project because of issues with water use.

The Paso Robles City Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 20 in the council chambers.

After discovering their downtown paid parking program was not legally set up, city staff is recommending the council refund parking tickets paid in the past 12 months. In addition, city staff is recommending the city council vote to reconfigure the paid parking program in accordance with state law.

However, community members are calling for refunds to be issued from 2019 when the city first began illegally collecting parking fees.

Under Item Q-2 on the agenda, the council will discuss the proposed refund for fees paid from Feb. 6, 2023, through Feb. 6, 2024. In the staff report, the attorney notes that the city cannot be sued for fees garnered illegally after a year, because of the Government Claims Act.

City Manager Ty Lewis plans to discuss the implementation of new parking rates. Council members will consider an ordinance allowing the city to move forward with implementing paid parking, a very controversial subject.

Under item R-1, City Attorney Elizabeth Hull will disuses Gary Lehrer’s cease-and-desist demand over the council taking action on a discussion only item last November. Hull determined Lehrer’s letter was procedurally insufficient. Without admitting guilt, Hull is recommending the council “unconditionally commit to ceasing and desisting from the challenged action, and to not repeat that action in the future without admitting a violation of the Brown Act.”

The Pismo Beach City Council will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 20 in the council chambers.

Since 2014, Caltrans and the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments have been working together to find a solution to the congestion on Highway 101, specifically on the southbound lanes during peak travel times. However, the addition of a third travel lane has proven to be impractical and financially unavailable.

Under Item 12-A on the agenda, city staff will provide an update on the Highway 101 Five Cities project and provide input. The design team has come up with the concept of a “managed shoulder” or “part-time travel lane” to increase the capacity of the freeway during peak hours.

The Cambria Community Services District Board will hold a special meeting at 10 a.m. on Feb. 26 at the Veterans Memorial Hall and via Zoom Webinar.

The single item on the agenda is to receive any additional community input for the Strategic Plan Workshop.

The Port San Luis Harbor District will hold a special meeting on at 10 a.m. on Feb. 20 at the Coastal Gateway Building.

For years, some board members have been aware of plans to industrialize the port, as support for wind energy farms proposed offshore of Morro Bay.However, the public was initially kept in the dark.

The single item on the agenda is to receive an offshore wind feasibility study funding request. The board plans to review comments on the draft funding request and provide direction to staff.

The San Miguel Community Services District Board of Directors and Groundwater Sustainability Agency will meet at 6 p.m. on Feb. 22 at the San Miguel Senior Center.

Under item 11-1 on the agenda, the Groundwater Sustainability Board will discuss the Paso Basin Cooperative Committee’s draft budget for fiscal year 2024-2025.

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