Goleta officers cite 53 during bicycle and pedestrian safety operation

May 25, 2024


The Goleta Police Department issued 53 citations to drivers and bicyclists for a variety of violations during three bicycle and pedestrian safety operations in May.

Officers issued citations for various vehicle code violations where bicyclists or pedestrians made unsafe choices and the drivers were issued citations for infractions that were unsafe to bicycles or pedestrians. Several minors on bicycles and e-bikes were contacted and reminded that riders under 18 are required to wear a bicycle helmet.

Officers conducted the operations during three six-hour operation periods.

“Traffic safety is everyone’s responsibility, especially when we are sharing roadways.” said Sergeant Noel Rivas of the Goleta Police Department. “Our main goal is that everyone gets home to their friends and families.”

The police department received funding for the program from a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


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This is the sort of SERIOUS CRIMINAL ACTIVITY that plagues our communities. Well done!

Californians would be wise to follow Idaho’s lead and allow bicyclists to blow through Stop signs when it is safe and will not impede others. Evidence shows that this has decreased the number of bicycle-involved accidents in Idaho. Unfortunately, on the Central coast it’s common to find drivers who are blatantly and dangerously discriminatory toward bicyclists, insisting that bicyclists be subservient to automobile drivers. Instead, we should be encouraging bicycle riding, as that will help preserve our roadways, prevent potholes, reduce air pollution and encourage an environment that is friendly to pedestrians. In the long run, this will save taxpayer money and foster and more healthful and less dangerous community.

So how many citations were issued to bicyclists or pedestrians who made unsafe choices, and how many citations were issued to drivers for infractions that were unsafe? I would assume most were to bicyclists since it has now been several years since the time I saw a bicyclist obey traffic laws.