This week’s San Luis Obispo County government meetings

May 13, 2024

By CalCoastNews staff

The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors will meet at 9 a.m. on May 14 in the board chambers.

PG&E is seeking a refund of $1,398,252 plus interest for its 2019-2020 property taxes, according to item 6 on the agenda. The utility is claiming its rate is unconstitutional because it exceeds what other property owners in the county pay.

Even so, the auditor-controller recommends the board reject PG&E’s request for a refund, because the unitary tax rate (the rate applied to PG&E) is a statutorily set tax rate.

Under item 22, staff will provide the board an update on the proposed fiscal year 2024-2025 budget.

Staff recommends an $851.8 million budget, which is a $6.8 million increase from the prior fiscal year.

One of the county’s long-term budget strategies is to identify board priorities to guide budget development. In Nov. 2023, the board adopted priorities for the coming fiscal year.

The San Luis Obispo County Planning Commission will meet May 17 at 9 a.m. in the board of supervisors chambers.

James Boutzoukas, with Cretan Farms, is seeking a permit to build a new 6,460 square-foot winery facility with 2,914 square feet of exterior use, under item 4 on the agenda. Located on 7055 Adelaida Road, the property sets approximately six-miles west of Paso Robles.

Boutzoukas wants county approval to build a 1,380-square-foot barrel storage room, a 1,398-square-foot fermentation room, a 783-square-foot distillery, 1,512 square feet of tasting room for wine and spirit tasting, and a 1,972-square-foot crush pad. The project will result in the disturbance of approximately 1.71 acres on a 77-acre parcel.

The Arroyo Grande City Council will meet at 6 p.m. on May 14 in the council chambers.

With expenses higher and revenues lower than anticipated, the city needs a budget adjustment.

Under item 9-c on the agenda, staff will provide the council information on the fiscal year 2023-2024 third quarter financial status. Staff is asking the council to approve two budget adjustment requests. Specifically, revenues ran 1% below target and expenditures were 3% above the budgeted amount.

Staff is asking the council to approve moving funds from the capital improvement program to cover the shortfalls.

The Atascadero City Council will meet at 6 p.m. on May 14 in the council chambers.

Under item C on the agenda, the council will discuss community cleanliness. First, the council will consider options to enhance and/or expand the city’s existing Graffiti Abatement Ordinance.

The council is also scheduled to discuss options to address the unauthorized removal of shopping carts from retail establishments and the abatement of abandoned shopping carts.

Lastly, the council will consider authorizing $30,000 for two years of campsite debris removal. In addition, the council will discuss moving the budget for campsite debris removal from the Parks Division of the Public Works Department to the Police Department.

The Grover Beach City Council will meet at 6 p.m. on May 13 in the council chambers.

Staff will provide a presentation of a citizen initiative to repeal the water and wastewater rate structures approved by the council on Dec. 11 and consider potential responses, under item 13 on the agenda. The initiative was submitted by Grover H2O, a grassroots group of Grover Beach citizens who seek to repeal the city’s 112% water and sewer rate increase.

The council can either adopt the repeal in its entirety, put the repeal on the Nov. 5 ballot, or send the repeal to committees for reports and then within 30 calendar days either adopt or put the repeal on the ballot.

Under item 14, staff will provide the council an update on the fiscal year 2024-25 budget. Overall, staff estimates a balanced budget with a $60,000 surplus.

General fund revenue

  • Sales tax –  At midyear, a 1% increase in revenue was projected while the year-end projections now include a 1% decrease in revenue for sales tax.
  • Property tax – The most recent estimates project a 4% increase in fiscal year 2024-25 from the current fiscal year. Property tax revenue is projected to be slightly below the midyear projection.
  • Cannabis tax – As outlined in the midyear review, staff estimates cannabis tax revenue to be $1.2 million which is $126,000 lower than budgeted.
  • Transient occupancy tax (TOT) – TOT is on target to exceed its revenue projections.
  • Franchise Tax – Franchise fees will meet the budget amount of $735,000.

The Morro Bay City Council will meet on May 14 at 5:30 p.m. at the Veterans Memorial Hall.

The Harbor Department is charged with tideland leases, which are long-term leases and include the city’s waterfront properties. There have been concerns for several years that the city’s adopted procedures negatively impact the amount of revenue the city collects in rent.

Under item 9-d on the agenda, Harbor Director Ted Schiafone will recommend improvements to the Harbor Department Lease Management Policy.

Possible improvements

  • Hire a professional appraiser to value properties.
  • Simplify the rent structure regarding fixed rents and percentage rents.
  • Perform lease negotiations.
  • Move to a single percent rent for all sales, verified by reported sales tax or transient occupancy tax.
  • Establish a guideline for determining the number of years for an extension based on cost of improvements and other factors such as square foot of existing lease holder, public benefit, etc.

The San Luis Obispo City Council will meet May 14 at 5:30 p.m. in its council chambers.

During a special meeting, city staff will provide a presentation on the draft parking rate study, including consideration of preliminary recommendations, provide direction regarding the selected rate options for adoption and implementation. It is likely the council will choose to reduce parking rates in an attempt to increase visitors and spending in the downtown area.


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“the AG council will consider authorizing $30,000 for two years of campsite debris removal”, what campground is operated by the city?

The Bridge Creek Campground, near any bridge or creek.

My thought was most of us knew this was the case and that the city was trying to hide the actually use of the residents money. It’s not the first time the city has tried this.