Secret Service agent robbed at gunpoint in California

June 18, 2024


A suspect or suspects robbed a Secret Service agent at gunpoint in Orange County the same night President Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama attended a fundraiser in Los Angeles. [Washignton Post]

Shortly after 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, a witness reported a possible robbery in the city of Tustin. Police determined a robber or robbers stole a Secret Service agent’s bag at gunpoint.

The agent fired a gun during the robbery. It is unclear if anyone was struck. The agent did not suffer any injuries.

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said in a statement that an employee was returning from a work assignment when the robbery occurred. Authorities are not disclosing the identity of the agent.

Tustin police said no suspect has been found. However, police later located some of the agent’s belongings in the area.

It is unclear whether the agent was working for President Biden, First Lady Jill Biden or former President Obama. 

The Biden campaign’s Los Angeles fundraiser raised a Democratic Party record $28 million. Celebrities like George Clooney and Julia Roberts were in attendance.


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It used to be that secret service were the best of the best. Makes me wonder about this agents’ situational awareness, not to mention he or she fired their weapon and it appears no one was hit…did he or she fire at someone running away? That’s a big no no! Secret service has definitely lost its elite status. If they were off duty, how did he or she not get arrested in California? The local DA will probably prosecute for the discharge!

The secret service has “lost its elite status”….based on the zero details in this article? Smearing a whole organization based on no info from a single incident is a terrible take.

Maybe you’re just pining for the good old days. Was the secret service totally elite in 1981 when a 24 year old shot a president and 2 secret service members?

Oh yeah, convenient amnesia because that was the genesis of the Brady Campaign.

We need and deserve law and order in our country… we don’t have to live like this…

Well, well, well. Isn’t that just the perfect metaphor for California in particular and the USA in general? Big Democrats in town and their protection gets robbed. You can’t make this up.

The agent was off duty when he was robbed at gun point. He also managed to stay alive with no injuries. This occurred in Republican run Tustin.

But Democrats!

Actually as of 2016 Tustin became a democrat majority, see Orange County Register. Being a Democrat run state since 1997 and the state sets the laws. I believe that he maybe a little difficult to turn the narrative and say that this robbery was influenced by Republican decisions. But good luck with the bureau of disinformation my friend.

Youtube Jonny Rivers- Secret Agent Man 1966