Cal Poly student advisor charged with attempted rape, burglary

September 20, 2024


Cal Poly San Luis Obispo police officers arrested a student who allegedly broke into an apartment at Poly Canyon Village early on Sept. 7 on charges of attempted rape, burglary.

Shortly after 3 a.m., a resident awoke to find a man’s hand on their face, a struggle ensued, and the man fled. After a nearly three-week investigation, officers arrested 25-year-old Alexis Alejandro, a resident advisor at Poly Canyon Village.

Resident advisors are older students who live on the floor they oversee.

Officers booked Alejandro into the San Luis Obispo County Jail where he is being held in lieu of $100,000 bail. Cal Poly administration has barred Alejandro from the campus.

“The safety of our campus community members is of the highest priority for Cal Poly,” Police Chief George Hughes wrote in an email to students. “The university works diligently to investigate all reports of criminal behavior on campus.”


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Why do the brightest minds do the worst things?

Entitlement mentality thug?

But as long as the tuition checks clear Armstrong could care less.

Rouge shooter convicted and now rape and burglary arrest whose minding the store at Cal Poly?

Based on all the arrests, CPPD.

Another Jeff Brandow in schools

Paul Flores 2.0.

Didn’t the Cal Poly Administration say this was just a burglary? I remember them saying it was just a burglary.

You expected the truth, perhaps?