San Luis Obispo MMA fighter wins second professional fight

September 7, 2024

MMA fighter Steve Sainsbury


San Luis Obispo Mixed Martial Arts fighter Steven Sainsbury won his second professional match on Friday during the first round at a “Lights Out Extreme Fighting” event in Long Beach.

Sainsbury entered the octagon against Jose Matus, a veteran fighter from Mexico, on Sept. 6 with a 4 inch reach advantage. For the first 30 seconds, Sainsbury and Matus appeared to take it slow.

San Luis Obispo MMA fighter Steve sainsbury

Then Sainsbury moved in on Matus, locking him in a choke hold. In  just a minute and a half, Matus taped out and Sainsbury won by submission. It was dubbed the fight of the night.

“You’re either going to get knocked out or choked out,” Sainsbury said following the fight.


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