Fact checking Paso Robles City Manager Ty Lewis’ legal claim

October 8, 2024


Paso Robles City Manager Ty Lewis filed a claim against the city seeking $2,275,000 for loss of employment and personal injury based on alleged actions of Councilman Chris Bausch. In his Aug. 14 claim, Lewis accuses Bausch of asking a resident to fabricate an assault allegation against him.

Here are the facts:

During a Nov. 6 homelessness committee meeting Michael Rivera attended as a member of the public, Lewis allegedly approached Rivera and asked him why he was there.

“He then grabbed me by the shoulder and continued squeezing my shoulder very hard after which he let go and slapped me very aggressively on the shoulder,” Rivera told CalCoastNews.

Following the altercation, as Lewis walked away, he allegedly said, “I don’t appreciate you spreading rumors about me not living in the city.”

Rivera reported the alleged assault to the Paso Robles Police Department, which asked the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office to investigate to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

During their investigation, detectives interviewed a witness to the alleged altercation, Kenneth Parish, the chaplain of New Light Missionary Baptist Church. Parrish’s statement supports Rivera’s description of the alleged incident:

“It was approximately 9:15 as I sat right next to Michael Rivera,” Parish told a detective, according to the incident report. “Ty Lewis stood behind Mr. Rivera. Ty Lewis touched Michael Rivera on the backside.”

Following the alleged altercation, Parrish said Lewis wanted to talk to him outside about what had occurred.

“Ty Lewis told me specifically he should not have touched Mr. Rivera as he did,” Parish informed the detective. “Mr. Lewis stated that Mr. Rivera is so divisive.”

Investigators sent their report to the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office, which declined prosecution.

Lewis went on a paid medical leave of absence on Aug. 12. He filed his personal injury claim on Aug. 14.

In his claim, Lewis accuses Bausch of bullying, defamation, leaking information from a closed session city council meeting, and for asking Rivera to manufacture the assault allegation.

“Mr. Bausch helped to manufacture and perpetuate a false criminal complaint against me by Michael Rivera,” Lewis writes in his claim.

Rivera, however, said he never spoke to Bausch about the meeting or the altercation before contacting law enforcement.

The city denied Lewis’ claim on Sept. 26. Lewis can now file a lawsuit against the City of Paso Robles in San Luis Obispo County Superior Court over his claims of bullying and harassment.

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Not sure how you can call these facts. This is Michael Riveras statement. Not facts.

And a local leader of a church, and security cameras, and reports to the sheriff? How can you dispute this? Filing false reports is a crime. And Right now, Ty looks like the man he is; a double dipping pensioner who is bilking this community of its funds over his continuous, bad actions and lack there of. It’s disgusting. Including the whole city gov.

Scam all the way! He was never qualified for the job of City Manager. Now it shows! Good job city leaders.

What a Touchy, double dipping, thin skinned dude.

In the real world, that would be criminal assault.

Another case of DA Dan Dow protecting the special class.

Is there enough evidence (other than he-said-he-said) to get a conviction? I’m not involved and ignorant of the facts, just asking. I do know that D.A.;s offices (not just ours) prefer slam-dunks so that they can get a plea bargain (which saves time, money and possibly adverse publicity while providing “good” statistics for the office).

Plenty of evidence if you read the article.