Ty Lewis and Paso Robles City Council versus the community

October 21, 2024

Paso Robles City Manager Ty Lewis


Not only did the mayor not stand up and take control, but he and his two vote-like-they’re-attached-at-the-hip cohorts, Paso Robles councilmembers Steve Gregory and Sharon Roden, perpetuated the situation by publicly, and in unison, attempted to embarrass and demean a sitting council member by using their position on the dais.

Their apology had no merit. It was all a BS move. Councilman Chris Bausch had said nothing that warranted an apology. But that bogus, grandstand move gave credence to the complaint City Manager Ty Lewis would later file.

This council brought this entire mess on themselves and we, the community, are collateral damage, because now, we have to either read about this dog and pony show every day and stay up to speed or ignore it, read about it later, and hope that truth prevailed. It’s hard to ignore a claim for $2 million-plus from a city employee against your own city.

I would not presume to know if Mr. Lewis’ claim is legitimate or just a plea to be heard.

But there are several bad players in this soap opera, and they all work for the City of Paso Robles. No commenting citizen, or newspaper, or reporter, or social media poster can be blamed for where this massive snafu has descended to.

In fact, if it weren’t for those sources, we would have no information at all. But now, the responsibility of wading through the swamp and figuring out who to believe is on you. We’re never going to get the whole truth. There will be too much hidden under the cloak of “privacy” for us to ever be fully informed.

Reputations will be forever tarnished. Trust in our electeds is gone. In fact, I wonder how their supposed investigation can be trusted. With the mayor already choosing a side and making his own determination of right and wrong, how can we trust the process? I feel like, at this point, it no longer matters who is right and who is wrong. Now it’s…who cares?

We’re a broken community. And maybe it took something like this to wake us up to what’s been happening right under our noses for years and years; them against us, the lack of transparency, the cronyism, the favoritism to special people, special developers and special interest groups, the conflicts of interest that go unchallenged because they get stopped at the front door.

Most importantly, we elect our council members in the hopes they will make independent decisions in the best interest of the people. Not collude in the back room and ban together in order to have it their way.

But elections are here and all on us. And if we want a smarter, stronger, more honest and effectively run city, we can’t keep the council we have had for 10 plus years. Replace Gregory and Roden on Nov. 5 and when it’s Hamon’s turn.


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Drain the swamp!

Replace every single one of these fools and get people in place with no personal agenda. Vote out the old and vote in the new.

Stop the invasion of THUGS from the Central Valley; Chris Williams and his cronies at the brewery, Ty Lewis and his cronies, Police Chief Damian Nord, Acting City Manager Chris Huot, Loyds Aviation, Sharon Roden, Resnick, and so on! See a pattern? Wake up Paso Robles

Jim App formed the culture in Paso government with his antics, and ” yes”, John Hammond halo is on a little crooked.

Why do people keep electing them. We had one progressive council member who was chased away and happened to be Hispanic.

Paso Robles has been corrupted for quite sometime. Morro Bay mayor, city manager and council needs to be investigated.

I say push back and litigate. Let me take that back, I don’t think our City Attorney is capable and would just rollover.

Attorneys are the closest thing to the devil.

Cant anybody just do their job?

Not if we keep electing this “conservative leaders”.

“conservative” politics in Paso as usual. You voted for them. I didn’t. corruption doesn’t have a political affiliation; and the easiest to bribe humans are Politicians and City Government. Vote out John, Vote out Sharon Rodent, vote new, vote for ethics. Vote out these old timers who ignore term limits. Vote for change. Vote out special interest like Sharon and the Resnicks. Vote for change. We had to petition the parking meters, our roads are crap and only prioritize downtown and it’s Elite owners. This is the Voters fault, it isn’t mine. I’ve been bellowing this crap for eons and maybe you’ll listen. I had a canvas here in North Paso recently. I don’t see Sharon or John here. Or Fred, walking door to door. Paso is a mess. Drop God, drop ego, vote for change. We are one people under All God and keep that at home where it belongs.

This is a sad example of how an Entitlement Mentality destroys integrity and character. An over generous, taxpayer financed retirement for Ty Lewis isn’t good enough?

As a double dipping pensioner now on “disability” also sueing the city for 2 million; he will never be satisfied.

What is going on in Paso Robles? From the police to the mayor/city council and even the book banners running for school board…….what an embarrassment

Indeed. A disgusting elected embarrassment, and the egg is on our face as we kiss dirt.