Regulatory requirements wreaking financial havoc in Los Osos

December 11, 2024


Los Osos is under attack! Sneaky requirements have pushed us under the financial burden of mandates beyond acceptance.

We are working on a common, extremely modest residential remodel in Los Osos. Before we could even apply for a permit, San Luis Obispo County mandated us to provide a set of reports, costing in the tens of thousands of dollars. Fortunately for us, three and a half years later we were granted a set of stamped permits with a handful of additional stipulations.

Ranging from cultural monitors at a set rate of $150 an hour, archeologists at $180 to $250 an hour, contractors, plumbers, biologists, school district fees, and more we have been drained before they even allowed the project to begin. We have been reassessed over six times in the last year and a half, all under the name of escaped improvements, lacking their failed oversight back in 1962 when the “lost square footage” that they’re referring to was permitted by their very own building and planning department.

During this process, it was brought to light, since we were added to the title, the county realized that they had made an assessment error dating back to 1962. Therefore, on top of all the other oversight mandates enforced, we now are being slammed with four years of back tax on the property which is due on Dec. 31.

The current push back is coming from the septic mandates. In the name of water conservancy and nitrate requirements, we are being coerced into adding a wastewater treatment plant on site.

Yes, we have a functioning septic tank that hasn’t failed gravity since its time, however due to sneaky LAMP standards passed by the state of California in 2020 while we were all asleep, we are being forced into owning, maintaining, and providing the county with our very own residential scale wastewater treatment plant. The cost to install, monitor, and run the plant is between $50,000 and $100,000.

My recent conversations with them have been to request something more financially available to a young family with kids. However, there are no alternatives that would pass inspection that they can provide.

I offered to install an incinerating toilet, or something that doesn’t require infiltration into the groundwater at all, and one that doesn’t even require water. Their response was no because it wouldn’t pass inspection as it doesn’t meet the LAMP requirements. So in the name of the water conservancy, we cannot install a non-water using toilet. Got it!

Never would I have ever imagined the amount of obstacles facing us to simply renovate and restore a family owned property.

Tiffany Brewer is a life-long Los Osos resident. She went to Baywood Elementary School, Los Osos Middle School, Morro Bay High School, Cuesta College, and then graduated from California State University, Fresno.


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This system is not the state law, it is what SLO County requires to eventually move everyone into the expensive category so that we get a better demographic as customers. Remember we are the customers as local government see’s us in the business triangle.

Marry Christmas, here’s your tax bill from our mistake 62 years ago.

I would not pay it.

The yuppies are trying hard to infiltrate the middle kingdom.

Missed additions/improvements or even work done without permits are considered to be reflected on the purchase price. This does make anything legal. Real estate agents don’t want to know or investigate. And appraisers also just look at what is there and value it for loans.

Well it’s clear who got your vote… Hope anyone that does this gets caught and punished excessively.

extremely modest residential remodel” Are we being honest here? I doubt it very much… Much more likely the property is being excessively “upgraded” and then sold off to the highest bidder fro a nice profit. Rules in place to prevent and deter this kind of thing in my town, are “A OK” in my book.

Agreed. We need to Ban ASAP LLCs or any foreign investors or out of county here absolutely inflating property value and killing our economies backbone; regular folks. If a house that was 200k 5 years ago is now 700, things are bad, very bad. I say stop all development in osos. No more mansions.

I agree about foreign investors taking over, but Hmmm I am assuming she is the “regular folks” you mention. And unable to upgrade her property without absurd, money hungry regulations? If those regulations were not so out of control the prices wouldn’t get so crazy. Why regret her ability to upgrade her own property? Maybe she wants a big family? Who said she wants to sell? Why begrudge those who work hard and want things better for their families? The problem here is our inflated out of control government, as usual. And its the bite to the hands that feed them. If government were not so busy being ridiculous, prices may not be so out of control, it’s Shameful!

Wow. Must be “nice” to be so oblivious to it all. Open your eyes. Greed is rampant in 2024! This town has been around for over 250 years and YOU wanna be the one to change it? Nah. Forget that.

I have to say you are right on in your assessment here.

You are probably wise to be skeptical, but in this case you are incorrect. I have known this young woman and her parents since she was a child. She and her husband have deep roots in this community, are parents of two school-age children, is in a leadership position in youth soccer, and she intends to continue their lives in Los Osos. Furthermore, the other two other families I know here in LO who are trying to build on their properties (for them to live in) are also facing strange and unexpected requirements from the county. One of them has to search out a bunch of random families interested in swapping out their appliances/fixtures for low-flow versions and BUY THEM NEW ONES. Come on!

Ain’t gonna break my heart that easy lol. Spread the wealth! Do some good for local others! Sounds like a community you’re a part of to me, not “random families”.

I am wondering, if the shoe were on the other foot, if you would be so happy to “share” upwards of $100K FOR A TOILET.

Don’t forget to factor in the funding that will be needed for the bureaucracy that 3CE will evolve into.

The voters getting what they want.

I agree, elections have consequences.

Welcome to California. 300,000 useless regulations and counting…

How else are government entities supposed to get the money they need to feed their ever growing bueracracy, they certain cant reduce it.

SLO County planning has a reputation around the state of being corrupt. If you know which hand to place a fat envelope into, your troubles will go away.

Or if you are a certain supervisor.