Cuesta College’s plan to protect immigrant students from federal agents

January 29, 2025

Cuesta College President Jill Stearns


As immigration enforcement ramps up under President Donald Trump, Cuesta College administration implemented procedures for faculty and staff if approached by federal agents.

Even before Trump’s inauguration, the administration office sent out instructions to professors and staff;

  1. Do not consent to entry or provide information.
  2. Notify the designated authorities, which include four administrators and the Cuesta College Police Department.
  3. Collect and forward any presented documents, such as warrants or subpoenas.

In the days following Trump’s inauguration, Cuesta College President Jill Stearns sent an email to professors and staff “to protect our undocumented students since schools are no longer designated as sensitive spaces.” She provided specific instructions for both the San Luis Obispo and the Paso Robles campuses when encountering federal agents.

At the main campus, Stearns ordered staff to say, “I am not obstructing your process, but I am not the designated campus official. Please follow me and I will walk you to the president’s office.” At the Paso Robles campus, Stearns told staff to say, “I am not obstructing your process, but I am not the designated campus official. Please follow me and I will walk you to the dean’s office.”

The campus then ordered red cards for staff and students that can be given to federal agents. The cards instruct the holder to not speak to agents, permit searches or allow entry into their homes.

On Wednesday, Sterns sent another email regarding migrant students. According to Sterns, federal agents generally carry administrative warrants which do not permit them to enter nonpublic places, including classrooms not open to the public.

“Cuesta College police are not required to and, accordingly, will not enforce federal immigration laws,” Sterns wrote. “FBI and DEA agents may have a reason to pursue criminal suspects on Campus. Cuesta College police may cooperate with those efforts to enforce criminal laws.”


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I love it “I am not obstructing your process” but you are

Arrest her for obstruction of justice.

Virtue signaling at its finest, Sadly, we all see through this. Break the laws, expect consequences, how’s that for a lesson?

Article 6, Clause 2, the supremacy clause is pretty clear in my opinion, Hey Cuesta president, there are big dogs and little dogs, guess which category you fall into?

Say “NO” to the next time Cuesta comes asking for more money!

Here’s how these migrants can be heros to MAGA patriots and Trump.

Use the American flag to beat up cops and Military police.

Use the American flag to break windows and doors of the Capitol.

Chant death threats about elected officials.

Am I wrong about this?

Google pardon.

There are legal ways to enter the U.S., if you decided to ignore legal means and enter illegally you have broken the law. If anyone violates the law (robbery, rape, murder) do you take steps to insulate them from legal action. What is Cuesta thinking – a criminal is a criminal and there are consequences. Anyone who interferes with law enforcement should face legal consequences. Illegal is illegal.

Harboring illegal aliens is a federal crime because illegal aliens are criminals.

Harboring criminals is a felony. Misappropriation of public funds for harboring criminals is a felony.

Taxpayer financed classrooms are public, not private, spaces.

News flash- many illegal workers pay taxes both state and federal that are never reimbursed back. In other words, a third of their gross income is lost to the state/feds. Think about the millions who are taxed but never get a dime back. As sick as it sounds, we need the illegal work for low-wage, unskilled work while we bilk them with taxes that go back to the vast majority. We are making a dollar on the lettuce and giving them a penny. So, if they want to better their lives with a college education, then so be it. What’s it to you? You can keeping hating.

I’m still waiting to be reimbursed for the million plus I have paid in taxes over my life, definitely have not received that value in services. Not a valid argument in the slightest, you are assuming while they were here they used absolutely no public services? Their kids didn’t go to school? Didn’t drive on public roads etc.etc.

No assumptions username1. They’re paying taxes just like the rest of us and some aren’t getting a dime back. As for your million; enjoy the roads, public schooling, police and fire services. Maybe drive your man up to Harmony for a glass of wine and a sunset.

How many get paid ‘under the table’ and never pay taxes? How many send half their wages ‘back to Mexico’ and don’t spend their money locally? Still lots and lots of holes… and even if they do pay taxes, they entered the country ‘illegally’ and thus have broken a law, that part can’t be argued…

Guess what, their employers didn’t pay taxes either. If they did the payroll is a business expense that one would document. I once hired a contractor for a $12,000 job. I knew the guy so just an oral agreement and no up front payment. Near the end of the job he asked me for $5,000 “to meet payroll”. Iknew the guy, he didn’t need $5,000 for payroll or any other reason. What he needed was to be paid with two checks both under $10,000 and not reportable when he cashed out at my bank.

“Public funds for harboring criminals”. You mean like how our tax dollars go towards jails and prisons? LOL

How is it possible that an illegal alien has the same rights as a US citizen?

Because we are a civilized country. As law breakers, though, some of their rights are curtailed.

They aren’t coming after your students… chill out…