Fire destroys Santa Barbara police sergeant’s home
January 13, 2025
The Santa Barbara Police Department has announced that one of its sergeants lost his home in the Southern California Eaton Fire.
A Navy veteran and former SWAT team member, the sergeant had been living with his wife and children in a home destroyed by the Eaton Fire, which is burning in the San Gabriel Mountains and Altadena area of Los Angeles County. The family managed to escape, but they lost all of their belongings other than the car they fled in and the clothes that they were wearing, according to the police department.
Santa Barbara police say they are keeping the names of the sergeant and his relatives private at the request of the family.
The Santa Barbara police foundation has set up a fund to help the family rebuild their lives. The police department is requesting members of the public contribute to the fund.
“We’re coming together to support this officer and his family during this unimaginable time,” the police department said in a statement. “Thank you for your generosity and support of one of our own during this time of need.”
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