Jules Tuggle appointed to the Grover Beach City Council

January 14, 2025

Grover Beach City Councilwoman Jules Tuggle


The Grover Beach City Council on Monday unanimously appointed realtor Jules Tuggle to fill the council seat left vacant after the community voted to recall Daniel Rushing.

In March 2024, Grover H2O, a citizens group in Grover Beach, collected the required signatures to place a recall of Rushing on the ballot. His detractors condemned his votes to raise water rates and to tear up streets for a proposed water treatment plant.

Eleven applicants applied for Rushing’s seat on the council. Even though the community appeared to support David Swift, the council selected Tuggle.

While living in Fresno, Tuggle was the administrative assistant to a county supervisor. More recently, she served as the DEI chair for USA Swimming.

“I want to serve on the city council because I am deeply committed to making a positive impact in our community,” Tuggle wrote in her application. “I believe in the power of local government to create meaningful change, and I want to be part of a team that prioritizes the needs and concerns of residents and local business”


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Most disappointing of all is that she now rounds out a Council of 5 members, all of whom voted AGAINST recalling the councilmember that she replaced, and all of whom voted AGAINST the repeal of water rate hikes, both of which were voted FOR by the majority of the Grover Beach voters.

The minority wins — the Council decided to appoint a council member rather than hold an election because it’s “too expensive.” But it wasn’t too expensive for them to waste near $200,000 defending their previous attempts to block the recall, for which SLO Superior Court concluded they committed election violations.

The first question asked of al candidates should have been did they vote for the recall, anyone who answered No should have been passed over. Wendi Sims is smilling, she gets to keep her job.

According to Transparent California Todd Tuggle Fire Chief San Luis Obispo in 2023 $290,185.17, what are the chances this appointment will serious address the outrageous unsustainable compensations in government?

I’m sure looking forward to seeing how DEI is going to fix a water problem.

Oh, wait a minute, my bad.

She was a DEI spokesman for swimming.

God am I glad we moved out.

Grover is running behind Oceano now for the worst government.

That’s hard to do.

Is that the same Tuggle as SLOFD Chief Tuggle?

It appears yes, no surprise.

So DEI and a loyal, Party Member. In California party membership and loyalty to the corrupt political machine is much more important that the will of the ignorant public. They just don’t know what is in their best interest. I am sure some of that weed, Hellos Dayspring, Hill and narco traffiker money is still available for Ms. Tuggle.