Grover Beach officials again attempting to raise sewer rates

March 26, 2025


Despite the citizens of Grover Beach voting in 2024 to repeal the city’s 112% water and sewer rate increase by more than 64%, the City Council voted on Monday to begin the process of raising sewer rates by 126% over five years.

After losing at the ballot, the city contracted with a consultant in 2025 to produce a wastewater rate study looking at costs and revenues. The study found that the city’s current wastewater rate structure falls short of providing the necessary funding to complete critical infrastructure improvements for existing and future needs, while also ensuring adequate reserve funds.

Following a discussion, the city council voted unanimously to direct staff to place the proposed rate hikes on the April 14 agenda. The council also plans to authorize a Proposition 218 noticing process to residents. Proposition 218 allows ratepayers to make a protest vote which requires 50% plus one to vote.


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Development subsidies for Gary Grossman courtesy of Matt Bronson.

With the mayor and remaining council picking the replacement council member after the successful recall did you think they wouldn’t pick someone who would support their their tax increases, multistory monsters and eventfully the rebirth of CCB?

Looks like math isn’t political….

I really don’t get why people in Grover are so opposed to rate increases seeing as your sewer system is ancient and in need of upgrade – which, no surprise, costs money. Do people want sewage back flowing up toilets?

If the mechanic says you need repairs else your car will break, you suck it up and pull out the wallet. It only gets worse the longer you put it off.

Because the city council has constantly said the same claims, got the funding and spent it on other things. The city had every opportunity with OCSD to fund a lot of infrastructure improvements through a 1.1 million dollar fina against John Wallace but the good ole boys club, John shoals and Adam Hill and others sat on their hands and protected Wallace.. the Grover Beach council is only looking out for themselves and tourist dollars

Wow! I’m glad I don’t live in GB. What an underhanded way for the city to circumvent the will of the voters. They are essentially repeating the same actions that necessitated the 2024 vote, and we all know what Einstein said about doing the same thing over and over. Specifically, they have this inverse voting system that requires people with real jobs to write their own ballot and send it to the city. Inaction is equivalent to assent.


This voting method is particularly burdensome if the required 50% must be of all residents, not just those who vote. It also significantly increases the risk of voter fraud, as there is no way to verify that those sending in ballots are registered voters, residents, or even citizens. Additionally, it is far from a secret ballot.