San Luis Obispo police warn of burglaries at trailheads

March 13, 2025

Bishop Peak


The San Luis Obispo Police Department is warning the public to secure their valuables and hike in groups at several local trails, according to a warning posted Wednesday.

Over the past couple weeks, thieves smashed two car windows at trailheads: one at Cerro San Luis and the other at Bishop Peak. City staff has posted signage at some city trailheads.

The signs ask the public to secure their valuables, keep belongings out of sight, report suspicious activity and to travel in groups.

“To prevent this kind of theft, leave valuables at home or lock them into the trunk if you have one,” according to police. “Patrol and ranger staff can’t be everywhere at once to be a deterrent, we need your help in preventing these types of thefts.”


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