A majority of California voters support capping pensions and a later retirement age for current and future public employees to balance the state’s budget, according to a poll by the University of Southern California. [LATimes] Seventy percent of respondents supported... (Continue reading)
With budget cuts threatening California’s state parks, State Sen. Sam Blakeslee is supporting a bill to give local governments or private contractors a chance to take over operations of a closed state park for one to five years. [MercuryNews] A... (Continue reading)
A “violent confrontation” with two sheriff deputies in Orcutt led to the shooting death of a San Juan Capistrano man Saturday afternoon. [SJCP] Santa Barbara Sheriff deputies fatally shot Kerry Flood, 52, at a mobile home park in Orcutt. The... (Continue reading)
In response to a San Luis Obispo City Council vote to revisit the issue of binding arbitration, the city’s fire and police unions sent out a glossy brochure defending binding arbitration and their retirement packages. [Tribune] The pamphlet titled “We’re... (Continue reading)
Arroyo Grande Police arrested two juveniles on Friday for allegedly making threatening phone calls to at least seven Arroyo Grande High School students as well as numerous other victims throughout the country during the past two weeks. In some cases,... (Continue reading)
A San Luis Obispo man and his friend stopped a burglar near the corner of Kentucky and Stafford streets shortly before 2:30 a.m. on Friday. Andrew Chisamore, 20, and a friend were walking home when they saw Matthew Wykoff, 19,... (Continue reading)
Following a rocky year and mounting public pressure from some pubic officials and consumer advocates, PG&E Chief Executive Officer Peter Darbee announces he is stepping down. [SanFranciscoChronicle] San Luis Obispo County’s largest employer confirmed that its chairman will retire April... (Continue reading)
An unknown man fled the scene after crashing into a San Luis Obispo woman riding her bicycle at about 2 a.m. today. The man was traveling westbound on Buchon Street in a green Mazda Protégé when he struck the woman,... (Continue reading)
The former head of San Luis Obispo County Public Access television pleaded no contest on April 11 to charges he embezzled funds from the nonprofit. [NewTimes] Anthony Pope was arrested on April 6 for embezzling $2,525 from the station. In... (Continue reading)
California Gov. Jerry Brown negotiated a contract with the politically powerful prison guards’ union that lets guards bank an unlimited amount of vacation time they get paid for when they retire at a substantial cost to taxpayers, a legislative analyst... (Continue reading)