
Chronicle discovers Paso Robles

Last Sunday’s Chronicle features a nice travel tip of the hat to Paso Robles, a place the paper calls “Wine country with a rural feel.” [San Francisco Chronicle] “Twenty-five years ago, Paso Robles was cowboy country. Now there are more... (Continue reading)

Theatre Review: “Mousetrap” merits more applause

By C.L. ALEXANDER So . . . it’s terribly, terribly hard to cast a community theatre production in which all of the actors seem perfectly suited to their roles. Directors facing a shortage of age-appropriate, gender-appropriate or (dare it even... (Continue reading)

Theatre Review: Cambria gets “Finishing Touches”

By C.L. ALEXANDER So . . . it’s perplexing to contemplate that only three decades later the 1970s may already represent a bygone era in modern theatre. Jean Kerr’s 1973 play Finishing Touches is most certainly a dinosaur from that... (Continue reading)

Alan Arkin coming to SLO Film Festival

Academy Award-winning actor Alan Arkin will receive this year’s King Vidor Award at the San Luis Obispo International Film Festival. The actor comes to town Saturday, March 20, to accept the honor at the Fremont Theater. Arkin is best known for... (Continue reading)

AG’s Zac Efron makes all the right moves

Arroyo Grande native-turned-Hollywood-star Zac Efron is ready for his Hollywood close-up with a pair of new movie projects, designed to shake up his Disney-fied teen idol image. [Deadline Hollywood] Efron has just inked a deal with Universal Pictures to star... (Continue reading)

Remembering “Mean Mike” Veron

BY DAVID CONGALTON It’s January again, so inevitably I start thinking about “Mean Mike” Veron. He died from cancer just around this time back in 1998. Hard to believe it’s been 12 years–it seems like only yesterday that Mike was... (Continue reading)

Lady Tie Di to pen memoir of “The Otter”

Dianne Brooke, aka former Central Coast radio personality “Lady Tie Di,” plans to write a memoir about KOTR, the eclectic, free form FM station broadcasting from Cambria from 1984 to 1999. Known to listeners as “The Otter,” KOTR featured local... (Continue reading)

Dining Out: Sunday Brunch at McPhee’s

BY DAVID CONGALTON We’ve developed a new monthly ritual at our house — once a month, we hop in the car, cruise up to Avila Beach and enjoy Sunday champagne brunch at McPhee’s. People on the Central Coast who enjoy... (Continue reading)

Have you heard about the Murdochs?

Elisabeth Murdoch, daughter of media gazillionaire, Rupert, is back in the news again. [The Daily Beast] Locals in the know may recall that Ms. Murdoch, who currently owns a television production company in London, actually got her formal start in... (Continue reading)

Theatre Review: “Golden Girls” have Murder In Mind

By C.L. ALEXANDER So . . . four “Golden Girls” meet Adrian Monk and Jessica Fletcher in an Agatha Christie-type “cozy” that’s been updated to 2010. What is this strange collection of characters and capers? A fractured fairy tale of... (Continue reading)