
The CCN Interview: Dave Congalton

BY KAREN VELIE This week, Dave Congalton marks his 18th anniversary on KVEC 920 AM radio, as the host of “Hometown Radio.” Since moving to the Central Coast in 1987, Congalton has worn a number of hats in the community:... (Continue reading)

Committing Web 2.0 suicide

If your New Year’s resolution involves anything having to do with decreasing your presence on the Internet, you might want to check out the Web 2.0 Suicide Machine.  [Tech Crunch] This is not a joke. The Suicide Machine really does... (Continue reading)

Top Ten TV shows of the decade

Noted television critic Tim Goodman shares his list of the top TV Series from the decade past. [San Francisco Chronicle] We here at CalCoast News are far too busy to sit around and follow a single series week after week,... (Continue reading)

Movie review: Sherlock Holmes

BY ADI JONES The new ‘Sherlock Holmes’ is a truly modern adaptation that derives very little from the original master sleuth. Robert Downey, Jr. plays a sharp-minded, genuinely clever, Holmes who dabbles in boxing and alcohol with equal gusto. Jude Law... (Continue reading)

It must be the curry

The 86-year-old (that’s right 86!) governor of a southern India state resigned Saturday after a television station broadcast a tape allegedly showing him in bed with one-two-three women. The San Francisco Chronicle has the story. Eat your heart out, Jack... (Continue reading)

Movie review: Avatar

BY ADI JONES James Cameron’s newest release “Avatar” is certainly a film that will be remembered for years to come. Having grossed $77 million in its first weekend, it is certain that one thing is true — Cameron’s still got... (Continue reading)

Malibu on The Edge

Everyone in the world seems to be a fan of the classic rock band U2 — except perhaps residents of Malibu, who are more than concerned by band member David Evans’ (aka The Edge) plan to build five eco-friendly estates... (Continue reading)

Hearst Castle to introduce self-guided tour

Hearst Castle officials have announced a new self-guided tour of castle grounds, designed to allow visitors to explore the estate’s fabled gardens and Neptune Pool at their own pace. Starting in mid-March, special sunset tours will be introduced on Friday... (Continue reading)

Best man rigs newlyweds’ bed to tweet during sex

We’re sorry, but this is just too good not to share with you. This could be the best practical joke ever played on a newlywed couple. The Washington Post offers the deliciously wicked tale of the British best man who rigged... (Continue reading)

Newly Discovered: Internet Traffic School

BY DAVID CONGALTON As a confirmed agnostic, I’m not inclined to believe in a Higher Power, but, frankly, I don’t know how else to explain Internet Traffic School other than as proof of Divine Intervention. I mean, how cool is... (Continue reading)