
Best man rigs newlyweds’ bed to tweet during sex

We’re sorry, but this is just too good not to share with you. This could be the best practical joke ever played on a newlywed couple. The Washington Post offers the deliciously wicked tale of the British best man who rigged... (Continue reading)

Newly Discovered: Internet Traffic School

BY DAVID CONGALTON As a confirmed agnostic, I’m not inclined to believe in a Higher Power, but, frankly, I don’t know how else to explain Internet Traffic School other than as proof of Divine Intervention. I mean, how cool is... (Continue reading)

Dispatches: I left my heart

BY DAVID CONGALTON I write this from San Francisco, and you should be envious.  Most people I know hate LA, but no one says a discouraging word about the City by the Bay. San Francisco is truly one of the... (Continue reading)

Twilight sucks — let me count the ways

BY ADI JONES The Twilight phenomenon is widely accepted but not necessarily understood.  The popular books, written By Stephanie Meyer, have very quickly built up a cult-like fan base. Complete with swooning teens (and even some swooning mothers of teens),... (Continue reading)

Facebook friends: Pastor Doug

BY DAVID CONGALTON (One in an occasional series where CCN readers meet some of my Facebook Friends) These have been a tough few weeks for Doug Carroll of San Luis Obispo. He’s battled progressive MS for a decade now and... (Continue reading)

Dining Out: Meet me at Neeta’s

BY DAVID CONGALTON For most locals, Nipomo has long been a one-restaurant town. People chow down and drink, and drink some more, at the shrine known as Jocko’s. I’ve got no beef with the infamous steak house, but there are... (Continue reading)