A report by the World Business Academy that details negative health trends in the area surrounding the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in San Luis Obispo County was released Monday. Stephen W. Hosea, MD, the associate director of Internal Medicine... (Continue reading)
A former San Luis Obispo real estate broker is facing federal prison time for illegally flipping houses that he purchased in short sales. Timothy William Barnes, 37, pleaded guilty Monday to committing bank fraud. Barnes, a San Francisco resident, owned... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s spokesman Tony Cipolla announced yesterday that the department is conducting a thorough investigation into allegations of animal cruelty by an area sheep rancher. However, he also stated in the press release that Jean (JB) Jaureguy’s... (Continue reading)
A Santa Maria teacher charged with having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old student engaged in sex acts in his classroom, according to a search warrant filed in Santa Barbara Superior Court. [KSBY] Brian Hook, 53, was a social science... (Continue reading)
The 20th annual San Luis Obispo International Film Festival kicks off Wednesday with a documentary about the man who logged the most hours in the Batcave, Adam West. Meet West at the Fremont Theatre for the screening and a question... (Continue reading)
The Central Coast may have a new trend-setting city in the implementation of smoking restrictions. On Tuesday, the Santa Maria City Council will consider adopting an e-cigarette ban. The city has already banned smoking in most public places, but the... (Continue reading)
California Governor Jerry Brown, who recently declared that he would run for a fourth term as governor, stated Sunday that he opposes the legalization of marijuana. [Mercury News] “The world’s pretty dangerous, very competitive,” Brown said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet... (Continue reading)
Atascadero Zoo workers found a young red panda curled up in a ball Saturday morning. It was dead. [Tribune] “It doesn’t have any wounds or show an obvious cause of death and appears to have just expired in its sleep,”... (Continue reading)
By KAREN VELIE EDITOR’S NOTE: See videos of sheep in creeks, dying and dead at Heritage Ranch and being tossed in a truck at the bottom of this story. The videos are disturbing and include cursing. A young lamb struggles... (Continue reading)
Large storm swells damaged the Avila Beach, Goleta and the Gaviota piers and several restaurants during Saturday’s storm. Deck boards on a section of the Avila Beach Pier were disconnected after being battered by large waves that accompanied the morning’s... (Continue reading)