
Bakersfield puts Harry Belafonte to sleep

OK, time to let the jokes about Bakersfield fly. People apparently fall asleep just at the mention of the place. That’s what happened Friday on the morning show at KBAK-KBFX when legendary calypso singer Harry Belfonte in New York dozed... (Continue reading)

SLO points to zoning, not ordinance in fighting medical marijuana

San Luis Obispo has turned to zoning code to keep medical marijuana dispensaries out of the city. Acting Community Development Director Doug Davidson rejected three applications for medical marijuana dispensary business licenses in July, citing zoning code incompatibility, not an emergency... (Continue reading)

Dirty DUIs used to sway divorce judgments

Former and current law enforcement officers in Contra Costa County are under an FBI investigation for setting up DUIs for soon to be ex-wives, selling drugs and operating a brothel. [LATimes] A whistleblower told authorities a private detective had been... (Continue reading)

Atascadero appoints new police chief

The city of Atascadero announced the appointment of a new chief of police on Monday. Jerel Haley, currently a lieutenant with the Santa Maria police department, is slated to start his new post in mid-November. Former Atascadero Police Chief James... (Continue reading)

Public retirees twice as rich?

Retirement benefits for state and local public workers are significantly higher than the package awaiting those in the private sector, a study tracing a 20-year trend suggests. In an article for CalWatchdog, an independent investigative reporting group, Chriss Street said... (Continue reading)

Sewer nut shreds the Shredder

OPINION By JULIE TACKER Shredder:  Dear Shredder, I think I’m having a problem communicating. Every week I go to the Board of Supervisors and say the exact same thing and nobody seems to listen. Also, my application to lynch Paavo... (Continue reading)

California funding of public education hits all-time low

Government support of public education in the Golden State has dropped to a historic low, compared to the rest of the country, according to a new report by the California Budget Project. [California Watch] California ranks 46th in the U.S.... (Continue reading)

‘Boomerang’ youth returning home

Parents: Don’t see enough of your adult children? Be patient; a national trend suggests they soon may be asking to move back home. [SanFranciscoChronicle] During a three-year period ending in 2010, the numbers of American adult children living with their... (Continue reading)

Paso Robles woman facing up to 35 years in prison

A Paso Robles woman found guilty in July of defrauding the United States Department of Education and the California Department of Education out of a $35 million grant will be sentenced Monday at the U.S. District Court in Riverside. Jean... (Continue reading)

California Medical Association wants marijuana legalized

California’s largest doctor’ group is calling for the legalization of marijuana despite its belief that there may be only questionable medical value. [LA Times] Trustees of the California Medical Association., which represents more than 35,000 physicians statewide, adopted the position... (Continue reading)