
Nursing assistants arrested for abusing patients

Santa Barbara Police arrested two men who worked as nursing assistants at the Central Coast Nursing Center following allegations of elder abuse that include sexual battery. [KCLU] Brian Michael Watt, 29, of Ventura, and Hugo Batalla Rendon, 32, of Santa Barbara were arrested in... (Continue reading)

Brown signs, unions smile

  Labor unions look to be the big winner in the aftermath of Gov. Jerry Brown’s signing Friday of a Democratic bill limiting next year’s initiatives and referendums to the November 2012 ballot. Democrats’ voter turnout is expected to be higher than... (Continue reading)

Feds fire up anti-pot campaign

A looming federal crackdown on legal pot dispensaries in California is emerging in the wake of shifting sentiments in the Obama Administration regarding the use and sale of medical marijuana. This latest move by the U.S. government appears to be... (Continue reading)

Where is the story?

OPINION By JULIAN CROCKER Where is the story? The article that appeared in the Cal Coast News this week, entitled “No Such Thing As A Free Lunch”, gave the impression that either the Coast Unified School District was somehow “inflating”... (Continue reading)

Why is there no justice for Valerie Lane?

OPINION by DAVE CONGALTON I have been trying to figure out why. I have been trying to figure out why I continue to be so upset by the video of Valerie Lane being brutally assaulted by a fellow patient at... (Continue reading)

This Weekend: Scarecrows, Follies and Greek food

Here it is, the first full weekend in October and there’s plenty to do. Head up to Cambria Saturday and Sunday for the Scarecrow and Harvest Festival, which has been getting some very nice statewide press. More than 200 handcrafted,... (Continue reading)

“Occupy Wall Street” continues in SLO

The increasingly popular “Occupy Wall Street” movement hit San Luis Obispo on Wednesday as about 50 protesters gathered near the intersections of Santa Rosa and Monterey streets to protest against income inequality and corporate greed. Many of the protesters plan to... (Continue reading)

Train death spurs lawsuit against bar

Parents of a young North County man killed by a train have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the owners of a popular downtown Paso Robles bar and restaurant and are asking for a jury trial. Bryan Brady was celebrating his... (Continue reading)

Fight for Wrestling at the Madonna Inn, event photos

An impressive array of current and former Cal Poly Mustangs entered the ring to raise funds for Cal Poly wrestling at Fight for Wrestling on Saturday at the Madonna Inn. If you would like to buy a high resolution print... (Continue reading)

Eight Occupy Santa Barbara protesters arrested

Santa Barbara Police officers arrested eight people on misdemeanor charges after they refused officers’ orders to leave De la Guerra Plaza on Tuesday evening. [Noozhawk] The Occupy Wall Street movement began on September 17. People are protesting corporate greed and inequality.... (Continue reading)