
BOS needs outside investigation into jail death

By MICHAEL F. BROWN The policing and jail business is inherently hazardous. The opportunity for mistakes is ever present. Violent acts and their potential are a constant threat. From time to time split second decisions must be made, such as... (Continue reading)

Man charged with torching SLO hotel room

San Luis Obispo police arrested a man Sunday evening after he allegedly set fire to his room at the Lamplighter Inn. Shortly after 8 p.m., an employee of the inn on Monterey Street reported a guest was banging on walls... (Continue reading)

California regulators working on water rules for pot grows

The California State Water Resources Control Board has released draft water regulations for growing marijuana in attempt to reign in the environmental damage that pot farms have caused and prepare for a new wave of legal cannabis grows. As required... (Continue reading)

Former congressional staffer arrested for trying to extort pot shop

A former staff member for a United States congresswoman allegedly tried to extort $5,000 out of a Compton marijuana shop, which he claimed would be shut down if he was not paid the money. The man indeed received the money,... (Continue reading)

Lightning ignites two fires east of Santa Margarita

Two brush fires burning east of Santa Margarita on Wednesday were started by lightning, according to Cal Fire. At about 10:30 a.m., lightning from a thunderstorm ignited the two fires off Highway 58. The Red Fire, started near Red Hill... (Continue reading)

Flash flood watch for parts of SLO and Santa Barbara counties

Hot, humid weather could bring thunderstorms and flash flooding to portions of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties today prompting the National Weather Service to issue a flash flood warning until 10 p.m. on Wednesday. Areas under the watch... (Continue reading)

Dan Dow calls Tribune reporting on jail deaths misleading

After reading the Tribune’s article, “SLO County Jail is under FBI investigation after 11 inmate deaths,” San Luis Obispo County District attorney Dan Dow called the Tribunes Aug. 1 article misleading and inaccurate. [Cal Coast Times] In the article, the... (Continue reading)

B-17 will put affordable housing at risk

OPINION by HEIDI HARMON Please vote NO on this misleading ballot measure. It is unnecessary, ill advised, harmful to every affordable housing program in our city, and could trap the community in costly lawsuits. The first section of this ordinance... (Continue reading)

Father pleads guilty to murder of 5-year-old found near Lake Cachuma

A Southern California man has pleaded guilty to murdering his 5-year-old son. The boy’s body was found near Lake Cachuma in Santa Barbara County after an extensive search by law enforcement. The boy, Aramazd Andressian Jr., was last seen alive... (Continue reading)

Grover Beach gets 12 applications for two pot shop slots

The city of Grover Beach received 12 applications for the two medical marijuana dispensary permits it plans to issue. A few of the applicants are local businesses, while others come from around the state of California. City officials will interview... (Continue reading)