OPINION By STACEY WARDE A woman at the thrift shop today asked me if I was homeless. I had just pulled a pair of Levi jeans off the rack, and a book on writing I’d discovered off the shelf and... (Continue reading)
OPINION By RICHARD SCHMIDT In the early 2000s, San Luis Obispo’s management decided it wanted more money. It would come from a locally-imposed tax. They had no grand vision for what they’d do with the money, nothing like, say, buying... (Continue reading)
OPINION By SLO COUNCILMAN DAN CARPENTER On July 15, my colleagues on the San Luis Obispo City Council voted without my support to put Measure G – the half cent additional sales tax – on the November ballot. During the... (Continue reading)
By GARY KIRKLAND Americans like me need the Senate to take up the cause on three matters of great importance. First, the Senate must not allow the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to enforce the ObamaCare Individual Mandate. The law is... (Continue reading)
OPINION By Protect Our Water Rights Concerns over sweeping changes to private property rights has brought tremendous support from the rural community for the Protect Our Water Rights (POWR) Quiet Title Action. The group filed an amended complaint July 31... (Continue reading)
OPINION By ANDY CALDWELL Willie Brown, one of the most powerful politicians in California history, remarked that “A lie unanswered in politics, becomes truth within 24 hours.” My challenge? Which lie to begin with as I rebut the propaganda disseminated... (Continue reading)
OPINION By DANIEL BLACKBURN As a general rule, there’s nothing in New Times’ Shredder column that’s worth reading, much less commenting on. Also, as a general rule, I don’t resort to name-calling in my writing. But to outlaws like me,... (Continue reading)
OPINION By JULIE TACKER Dear Supervisor Gibson, Today, during my three minute public comment (for Items not on the agenda) and before you rudely interrupted me, I had intended to bring attention to the campaign season buzz words; “water” and... (Continue reading)
OPINION By CASANDRA APPLETON As election season nears, and more people are announcing their candidacy, I’m deeply concerned that several of the candidates who are running for various political offices may have “questionable” ethics. I say this because a simple... (Continue reading)
OPINION By AARON ARMSTRONG Are you offended by the truth? Some of us are and choose to exercise our First Amendment constitutional rights in response. Unfortunately, another type of offense just took place in Atascadero on July 7 by another person... (Continue reading)