
More regulatory gas from SLO City Council

OPINION by MIKE BROWN The City of San Luis Obispo staff and City Council are about to launch yet another regulatory overreach. This time an ordinance is proposed requiring that all new homes be built to accommodate all electric heating... (Continue reading)

SLO families shouldn’t have to worry about powering their homes

OPINION By SLO COUNTY SUPERVISOR DEBBIE ARNOLD It is my honor and privilege to represent San Luis Obispo County’s 5th District at the Board of Supervisors. One of the things I’m most proud of is working with a broad range... (Continue reading)

Crime pays in San Luis Obispo

T. Keith Gurnee

OPINION by T. KEITH GURNEE The Tribune’s recent editorial regarding SLO city’s building inspector Christopher Olcott’s incarceration in a “pay-to-stay” jail utterly missed the mark. It is the City of San Luis Obispo that is actually paying him to stay... (Continue reading)

SLO City’s latest illogical planning proposal

OPINION by RICHARD SCHMIDT Every so often, it’s fun to pop over to slocity.org, our fair city’s official spokes-site, to check out “What’s New In SLO,” our San Luis Obispo’s official news headline service. This week, “Roundabouts are the City’s... (Continue reading)

Civility, transparency, or hypocrisy?

OPINION by T. KEITH GURNEE San Luis Obispo’s city government has to feel that it’s under siege these days. Recent revelations by CCN about the city’s police chief losing her firearm, her day-long scramble to find it, breaking into a... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo remains silent on new electric providers

OPINION by RICHARD SCHMIDT With the calendar running downhill to year’s end, the city of San Luis Obispo still hasn’t told us much about our New Year’s change of electricity providers, which they claim is a “choice” we made, despite... (Continue reading)

Mayor Heidi Harmon’s comments are racist and sexist

OPINION by T. KEITH GURNEE In reiterating her comment that public art in San Luis Obispo should not include “monuments to old white men”, Mayor Heidi Harmon has completed a trifecta of identity politics invectives: in one sentence she made... (Continue reading)

SLO police chief has committed a crime and should be terminated

OPINION by KEVIN RICE The San Luis Obispo City Manager’s attempt to write the “rest of the story,” seal it with a kiss, and close the book is a disingenuous sham. This criminal act is not cured with an apology... (Continue reading)

The state is taking our right to use the Oceano Dunes

OPINION by PETER KEITH Ok, you own an ‘off road’ recreational vehicle and you enjoy recreating on Oceano beach or the adjoining sand dunes. You don’t mind paying the standard few bucks to enter the official ‘off road’ area for... (Continue reading)

Clerk-Recorder Tommy Gong requests privacy

OPINION by TOMMY GONG My wife, Sherry Gong, is being charged for some criminal actions. I was not aware of this matter until I received a call from an Atascadero Police Department detective recently, and I am not implicated in... (Continue reading)