UPDATE: Public Relations spokesperson Stacia Momburg said the university is denying Provost Robert Koob said the university is working to privatize. In addition, she said he did not say they plan to have students teach classes as part of the... (Continue reading)
The depressed and the mentally ill in crisis go to San Luis Obispo County’s mental health impatient facility expecting a safe haven, not a 14 patient ward wrought with sexual assaults and beatings. A registered sex offender high on cocaine held... (Continue reading)
(Editor’s note: This is the second in a multi-part series about questionable activities of the San Luis Obispo County Air Quality Control District. Part one was Air quality district’s bloated salaries. See Alleged flaws in the study at the bottom... (Continue reading)
(Editor’s note: This is the first in a multi-part series about questionable activities of the San Luis Obispo County Air Quality Control District.) They set hefty salaries for themselves and went looking for the money to meet the payroll. It’s not the... (Continue reading)
High school football players delivered a political message along with barbecue chicken dinners last weekend at an Atascadero fundraiser, surprising some parents, risking their boosters' non-profit status, and igniting a brisk debate about plastic bags and exploitation of students. Student athletes... (Continue reading)
No arrests were made or charges filed in connection with a July disturbance with injuries at the Ohio home of former Atascadero man-of-the-year Kelly Gearhart Terry Locklear, 55, said he is still recovering from the altercation where he contends Gearhart... (Continue reading)
Attorneys for the Paso Robles Cemetery District are battling over who is responsible for maintaining tombstones after an aged-grave marker fell on a four-year-old Paso Robles girl breaking her ankle. Last year, Heather Wolcott was visiting the Paso Robles Cemetery with... (Continue reading)
County officials ordered Occupy SLO protesters to stop spending the night at the San Luis Obispo County Courthouse property, where they've been encamped for the past two weeks. Officials posted letters signed by SLO County Administrator Jim Grant at the encampment... (Continue reading)
A mountain biker on a path frequented by families and hikers had to wait about a half hour for law enforcement to show up to a 911 call of a dead, battered body he discovered at the base of Cerro... (Continue reading)
Occupy San Luis Obispo has withdrawn support for the campground style occupation of the San Luis Obispo Superior Courthouse lawn on Monterey Street, and a former member of the organization has allegedly called the police to request a breakup of... (Continue reading)