Morro Bay City Council fails again
OPINION by LINDA STEDJEE Morro Bay’s water reclamation facility (WRF) project costs are approaching $3 million, but there is little to show for all that money. The city hasn’t even bought land to put the plant on, the new design has the same flaw as the old one rejected in 2013, and timely project cost […]... (Continue Reading)
Are Morro Bay officials attempting to chip away at Measure D?
OPINION by LINDA STEDJEE A Morro Bay law popularly known as “Measure D” is once again under serious assault by city government. Measure D can be modified or removed from the municipal code only by a vote of the people. It appears that there is an attempt underway to circumvent the will of the people […]... (Continue Reading)
Morro Bay needs to follow its own ordinances
OPINION By LINDA STEDJEE Recently, the Morro Bay Harbor Department allowed berthing of two commercial fishing boats at a marina south of Tidelands Park. That is not permitted under the Morro Bay Local Coastal Program (LCP) and related municipal code. The reasons why that type of boat cannot be berthed in that area were discussed […]... (Continue Reading)