CalCoastNews Contributor


Does Arroyo Grande need to reevaluate spending priorities?

OPINION By OTIS PAGE Both the mayor and the city manager of Arroyo Grande are soliciting comments on the city’s financial status. I suggest one way to respond to their request is to suggest that citizens look at the problem this way. [Cal Coast Times] That the city’s expenditures may be considered as the citizen’s […]... (Continue Reading)

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Adam Hill’s misogyny has no bounds

OPINION by OTIS PAGE Adam Hill revealed his insulting character and obnoxious belligerence in castigating outstanding San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors Debbie Arnold and Lynn Compton in his opinion piece last week in the New Times titled “The gloves are off.” In his latest rant, Hill claims Arnold has a “limited grasp of […]... (Continue Reading)

Politics in Arroyo Grande is over water resources

Opinion By OTIS PAGE The main issue in the election in Arroyo Grande is apparent, those who endorse growth and those who for good reason support a moratorium. The headline issue is the large proposed East Cherry development and its impact on water resources and traffic. The East Cherry proposal was finally approved on a 3-2 […]... (Continue Reading)

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Waller’s mayoral candidacy versus Mayor Hill

OPINION by OTIS PAGE Retired school teacher Richard Waller is from a well known Arroyo Grande family with deep roots. His mother, now deceased, was active in the South County Historical Society and was a prominent voice in establishing the present agricultural policies of the City of Arroyo Grande, hence, the society’s support of Waller. […]... (Continue Reading)

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Tribune’s criticism of France is overreaching

OPINION by OTIS PAGE The San Luis Obispo Tribune joined Obama and the Democrat’s Islamic appeasement tactic in its editorial “The burkini bigotry in France has gone too far” and in a commentary by Cathleen Parker titled “Burkinis are not a threat – and they are not of your business.” The word burkini as used […]... (Continue Reading)

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Why does the Tribune celebrate Islam on July 4?

OPINION by OTIS PAGE On July 4 – a day of celebration of the Nation’s birth – the Tribune’s front page article celebrates Islam – the ending of Ramadan. Dismissing the fact that the Nation’s founders were all Christians – the transparent editorial purpose of the SLO Tribune is to confirm President Barack Obama’s apparent […]... (Continue Reading)

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Is Oceano the tail that wags the dog?

OPINION by OTIS PAGE Grover Beach Mayor John Shoals, as chair of the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District, has directed the abandonment of the current bimonthly billing for sanitary services and place it on the property tax. Shoals major reason for this action was because Oceano had refused to paying its share. Here we […]... (Continue Reading)

Debbie Peterson for District 3 Supervisor

OPINION by OTIS PAGE As an aging genetic Republican and an individual of distinct conservative values, I am reluctant to admit that I have come to admire others of different persuasions, especially in a political context. Debbie Peterson is a Democrat, a feminist liberal, an endorser of progressive instincts – but, I must admit, one […]... (Continue Reading)

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The threat to national security is real

OPINION by OTIS PAGE Given the controversy introduced by Donald Trump on the Muslim question, what should be done? The threat to our national security is real. First, in the interest of national security, any Muslim immigrant should swear absolute dedication to the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and swear they […]... (Continue Reading)

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Should Arroyo Grande judge on appearances?

OPINION by BEATRICE SPENCER, LEANN AKINS and OTIS PAGE Following is an open letter to the Arroyo Grande City Council: Appearances: The way somebody or something looks or seems to other people. What is the city’s policy on judging appearances of conduct, if any? There is a certain political issue here — particularly regarding the […]... (Continue Reading)