Articles Tagged With ‘California’

Lawmakers won’t decide canal plan

One of the state’s most enduringly controversial public works projects, the Peripheral Canal, took a subtle step forward last week after rejection of a proposal to put its future in the hands of the legislature. An Assembly committee killed a... (Continue reading)

Single-payer insurance plan moves ahead

A Democrat-sponsored effort to initiate single-payer health coverage in California is under the legislative microscope next week in Sacramento hearings. Coauthored by 29 members of the Senate, the measure, SB 810, by Sen Mark Leno (D-San Francisco), would create the... (Continue reading)

Fight against Dream Act fails

The attempt to block a controversial California law that makes funds available for undocumented immigrant college students has failed to collect enough signatures to make it on the ballot. Opponents of the Dream Act fell 57,000 signatures short of the... (Continue reading)

Handgun open carry law unconstitutional?

A California resident filed a lawsuit arguing that a law prohibiting the open carrying of an unloaded handgun is unconstitutional. [CaliforniaWatch] Charles Nichols filed the lawsuit in federal court against the state seeking to overturn restrictions on where he can... (Continue reading)

Community college changes on horizon

California’s public education system has been a world-class model of efficiency and affordability for five decades, but no longer. Gradual overloading and budget restraints have gutted the once-proud model, and that in turn is opening the door for enterprising private,... (Continue reading)

Court eradicates redevelopment agencies

State budget writers can scrub redevelopment funds used by California cities to redevelop blighted areas, the state’s supreme Court ruled today. [LATimes] As a result of the decision, San Luis Obispo County’s five redevelopment agencies stand to lose a combined... (Continue reading)

Legal theft of vehicles will cease

A new law taking effect Jan. 1 will prohibit law enforcement from confiscating and towing vehicles of unlicensed drivers stopped at DUI checkpoints. [AssociatedPress] The controversial practice has resulted in the taking  of thousands of vehicles and placing them in... (Continue reading)

Peace officers buying and selling assault weapons

California peace officers have bought more than 7,600 assault weapons that are outlawed for civilians in the decade since state lawmakers allowed the practice, according to data obtained by the Associated Press after it was revealed that federal authorities are... (Continue reading)

Study lists California pensions’ shortfall at $500 billion

California’s three largest pension systems are on the hook for $500 billion beyond their current ability to pay retirees, according to a study released Tuesday by Stanford University Professor and former Democratic Assemblyman Joe Nation and a student researcher. [SacramentoBee]... (Continue reading)

California’s battling tax hike initiatives

Californians overwhelmingly support raising taxes to support public education, but three such competing initiatives could be defeated because of voter confusion. [LosAngelesTimes] Funding for California’s public school system ranks 42nd among states in student spending. In addition, university students face... (Continue reading)