Articles Tagged With ‘California’

Binge drinking shoots up among California teens

The San Jose Mercury News is reporting a disturbing trend: After dropping for decades, binge drinking among California teens is suddenly increasing at an alarming rate. Hard liquor has replaced beer as the alcohol that teens reach for, and vodka... (Continue reading)

Condors in Flight-Big Sur (Director’s cut)

California condors, the largest flying bird in North America, were close to extinction in the 80s with less than 25 left in the wild. Today there are believed to be more than 160 of these unusual birds living along the... (Continue reading)

Bodyguard $$$ for Arnold triples

The budget for bodyguards who protect Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and other top officials has tripled since the Governator took office in 2003. State records show spending on the California Highway Patrol’s Protective Services Division grew from $14.4 million under Gray... (Continue reading)

Unsupervised prisoner release imminent

California state prisons are to begin implementing a plan for the unsupervised release of up to 40,000 non-violent inmates and are required to train staff on non-revocable parole eligibility by Jan. 21, according to a memo sent from the State... (Continue reading)

Aging computer system holds up unemployment checks

An estimated 117,000 Californians haven’t received their unemployment checks–some for more than a month–because of an aging and outdated statewide computer system. According to Wednesday’s LA Times, the people whose checks have been held up are among the neediest of... (Continue reading)

State trashes recycling program

Last November 1, California abruptly cut all processing payments to its more than 2,400 recycling centers across the state. Experts warn the move will likely costs consumers $100 million in increased fees for beverages and put 5,000 workers in the... (Continue reading)

The politics of pollution

BY JOEY RACANO The ride to San Diego is always worth it, and last October was no exception. The golden hills of San Luis Obispo gave way to the windy passes of Gaviota. They, in turn, lead to the perpetual... (Continue reading)

800 Californians hospitalized with H1N1

State officials reported Thursday that nearly 800 people in California were hospitalized with the H1N1 flu last week, the largest one-week hospitalization rate this season. Health experts have predicted a second wave of cases in the coming months. An estimated... (Continue reading)

No clear path to victory for gay marriage

The effort to get same sex marriage on the California ballot in 2010 took a hit Monday. Rick Jacobs, the leader of the 700,000-member Courage Campaign, sent out an email announcing that after spending more than $200,000 on “qualitative research”... (Continue reading)

State investigation of public works scandal nearing end

By KAREN VELIE (EDITORS' NOTE: Following CalCoastNews’ continuing investigations into the alleged theft of public funds by county workers, concerned employees have come forward with allegations that millions in public monies have been stolen and threats of retaliation repeated.) State investigators continue... (Continue reading)